Unit 207
I'll go further into the matter tomorrow.
1 今天你要赶去开会,没时间多谈了。你说,明天再进一步谈:
I'll go further into the matter tomorrow.
2 会上你加入了热烈 的讨论。你说,在你往下谈之前,要提出一个问题:
Before going any further, I have a question.
3 财务人员汇报了公司财务状况。他说,进一步削减成本很必要:
It's necessary to cut the cost down further.
4 朋友要来你的城市旅游,你为他做好了安排。你说,还要帮什么忙,尽管讲:
If I can be of any further use, tell me please.
5 看到你已经够累了,朋友起身告别。他说,不想给你增添更多的麻烦:
I don't want to cause any further trouble.
6 哥哥给你的忠告已经够多了。他说,他没有更多的要告诉你的了:
I have nothing further to tell you.
7 这样的投资机遇千载难逢。哥哥说,不要再犹豫了:
There should be no further hesitation.
8 那人不厌其烦地回答了大家一个又一个的问题。他说,你们还有其它什么问题要问吗?
Do you have any further questions to ask?
further adj.更远地,进一步的
成语有:go further 往前走
hesitation n.犹豫,拿不定主意