Unit 33
Bad habits aren't easily given up.
1 老师劝孩子们不要乱花钱。他说,坏的习惯很难更改:
Bad habits aren't easily given up.
2 大家都发现Mike不再象以前那样爱咳了。他说,他戒烟了:
I gave up cigarettes.
3 你丈夫修了半天的洗衣机,都没有修好。他说,他不修了:
I give up, darling.
4 你问Peter:你还踢球吗。他说,他自从受伤后就不再踢球了:
I gave up playing football after I was hurt.
5 从今以后你每天晚上都要上夜校了。你说,散步的习惯不得不放弃了:
I'll have to give up going for walks.
6 智力抢答超出了他的智力水平。他说,太难了,他不回答了:
That's too difficult, I give it up.
7 同学问你是否还想做职业律师。你说,你很久以前就放弃了这种想法:
I've given up the idea long ago.
8 母亲问,你订好了机票为什么还不走。你说,你放弃了这次旅行:
I gave up the journey.
give up 放弃,不再做(某事)
give sth.up 交出,交给
[此贴被竹影无风在2004-10-30 10:04重新编辑]