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主题 : 每天一起练口语——142课
级别: 论坛版主
0  发表于: 2004-02-03   


级别: 论坛版主
1  发表于: 2004-02-11   

9. A Shy Little Kitten (2)

She lost her dignity. 她失去了镇定。
She is timid and completely at a loss what to do. 她羞臊得不知所措。
Yak, yak, yak. 哇哇哇!(好像是装出呕吐的样子)
I told you, my mom could beat your pop. 告诉你,我妈要把你爸揍一顿。
Ahh, shucks! 哈哈,没关系。
He is pinned down by the demonstrators. 他被示威的队伍给钉住了。
She felt awkward. 她想到受到惩罚时的尴尬。
He will be too afraid to do anything. 他害怕得什么都不能做了。
Nice guy! 好家伙!
Bully! 暴徒!
Have a little wine, punk. 小伙子,喝一点酒吧。(可以缓解一下精神紧张)
The drunk humiliates the gentleman. 醉酒使得这位绅士丢人现眼。
He is teasing a friend. 他在愚弄朋友。
He feels awkward. 他感到困惑。
She likes you a lot. 她对老兄你很倾心。
I could die. 简直(爱得)要死了。(注意语气)
Losing her eyelash cause her to blush for shame. 她因为弄丢了假睫毛,羞得面红耳赤。
级别: 论坛版主
2  发表于: 2004-03-11   

33. Busy Busy World:

to chase butterflies 追逐蝴蝶
to fly away 飞走
to come towards 正面过来
to run a race 竞争
to see a plane 看飞机
to fly up and away 往上飞走
to jump 跃,跃起
to fall 坠下,掉下
to lift 击起
to jump for joy 雀跃
to run into 碰撞
to trip and fall 绊倒
to sink 沉下
to throw a plane 抛(纸)飞机
to carry packages 搬运包裹
to eat dinner 吃晚饭
to stand on your hands 倒立
to stop suddenly 突然停止
to wave your arms 振臂,挥手
to hold a firecracker 拥有爆竹
to float 飘浮
to kick a boy 踢男孩
to fall off a bench 从长椅上掉下来
to walk away 走开
to climb stairs 爬楼梯
to swim 游泳
to slide down 滑下来
to pick your teeth 剔牙
to notice the table 注意到桌子
moving away 正在移开
to steal dinner 偷窃膳食
to look up 仰视
to crawl 爬
to be killed 被杀
to wait patiently 耐心等待
级别: 论坛版主
3  发表于: 2004-03-12   

34. Busy Busy Life:

to deliver the mail 投递邮件
to send mail(a letter) 邮寄邮件
to carry dirt (航道)清淤
to ride a motorcycle 骑摩托车
to drive a delivery car 驾驶送货车
to carry the body to the cemetery 把尸体运到墓地
to pull a trailer 拖汽车房屋(电影中经常见到)
to march in shingle file 排成一列前进
to fly an airplane 驾驶飞机
to enter outer space 飞出大气层,进入外太空
to skydive 漫游太空
to deliver milk 送牛奶
to travel by ship 乘船旅行
to navigate 航海
to operate a steam locomotive 驾驶蒸汽机车
to row a boat 划小舟
to ride a bicycle 骑自行车
to drive a car 驾驶汽车
to commute to work 上班工作
to carry gasoline 运送汽油
to carry passenger for a fare 收费运送乘客
to push a baby carriage 推婴儿车
to hover 盘旋(在空中)
级别: 论坛版主
4  发表于: 2004-03-14   

36. To See, To Hear, And...

The lovers are watching the sailing boat. 情侣们在眺望着帆船。
He is dreaming of a wonderful romance. 他在梦想着奇妙的罗曼史。
He hears a nice tune. Now, he is listening to it. 他听到了美妙的旋律。现在,他在倾耳聆听。
The thief is peeping through a keyhole. 那个小偷从钥匙孔中窥视。
She bursts into laughter. 她突然笑出声来。
Aaugh, help. 哇,救人啊。
Rowrrf! 哗!
The frog is frightened at the sight of a snake. 那只青蛙因为看到了蛇而战抖。
He is having a nightmare. 他在做着噩梦。
A policeman pricks up his ears.   一个警察竖起耳朵在认真地听着。
He is listening to the strange noise. 他在倾听这奇怪的声音。
He is watching the sea on the mast. 他从桅杆上面眺望着大海。
A girl looks at herself in the mirror. 女孩注视着映在镜子中的自己。
级别: 新手上路
5  发表于: 2004-03-17   
级别: 论坛版主
6  发表于: 2004-03-28   

45. Life In Town:

to wait patiently for the protesters to move 耐心地等待示威队伍离去
to protest against something 抗议
to be afraid of getting a ticket 害怕得到交通罚款单
to advertise cheap food 推销廉价食物
to window-shop 逛商品陈列橱
to wait impatiently for the late bus 焦急地等着迟迟不来的公车
to have a shoeshine 给...擦皮鞋
to hurry home to his wife 赶回家去见娇妻
to blissfully kiss 满怀幸福地接吻
to watch the lovers 注视着情侣们
to ruin a brand-new car 毁坏了新车
to rush to the scene of the accident 赶往意外事故的现场
to watch the accident 观察意外事故的现场
to work overtime 加班
to be angry at stupid drivers 为笨手笨脚的司机们生气
to go to his favorite bar after work 下班后到经常光顾的酒吧去
to read only the good news 只看好消息
to push the wrong button 按错了按钮
to cross the street 横穿马路
to walk on a beautiful day 在晴朗的日子出去散步
Great White Way 不夜城
I don't think he'll remember a thing tomorrow morning. 我认为,到明天清晨,他会忘得一干二净。
级别: 论坛版主
7  发表于: 2004-03-29   

46. To Dress And To Undress:

Isn't it strange to press a football jersey? 熨烫踢足球时候穿的衣服,你病了吗?
to iron clothes 熨衣服
to hang out the wash 晒干衣服
La, la, I wash them, and then I dry them. 啦啦,洗濯之后就把它们晒干。
Yeah, so that I can repair it, OK? 对啦,那样我就能替你缝补了,知道不?
to mend a tear 补破洞
Do I have to take my pants off, too? 我也得脱下裤子吗?
She is wearing an apron. 她穿着围裙。(有好东西吃了?希望她的厨艺不会太差。)
How did you get so dirty? 你为什么弄得这么脏?
I'm sorry. I was just playing football with my friends. 对不起,我只是和朋友去踢了足球。
When he plays football, he wears a uniform. 他踢足球的时候,也会穿着制服。
They ripped my clothes off. 我的衣服给撕破了。
I've put on my uniform. Let's go! 我穿上制服了,走吧!
级别: 论坛版主
8  发表于: 2004-03-30   

47. To Enjoy Eating:

to wait hungrily 饿着肚子等着
to devour the turkey 大嚼火鸡肉
to eat barbecued meat 吃烧烤全牲
Delicious! 味道真棒!
to cook barbecue 烹调烤肉
To toast, their health! 为了健康干杯!
Bottoms up! 干杯!
to gulp liquor 一饮而尽
full to the brim 斟满酒
to heat 热一热
What's so funny? 什么事那么好笑?
to sip a cocktail 啜吸鸡尾酒
to blow smoke rings 喷出烟圈
to carry a tray of food 用盘子端食物
to fry eggs sunny-side up 煎一面的荷包蛋
to toast 敬酒
to smoke a cigarette 吸烟
to drink brandy 喝白兰地
still full 还很饱(还不饿)
starved to death 饿死了(只是一种形容方法)
级别: 论坛版主
9  发表于: 2004-03-31   

48. Home, Sweet Home:

to snore 打鼾
stayed up late 熬夜
to sleep like a baby 睡得像个婴儿(形容睡得很香甜,很安静,睡眠质量高)
to have a nice dream 做了个好梦
Dad is welcoming uncle Bob. 老爸去迎接鲍勃叔叔。
He falls down the stairs. 他从楼梯摔了下来。
This is the basement. 这里是地下室。
to exercise in the garden 在花园里做操
to hit the doggie 打狗
lost sleep 失眠
to jump into the pool 跃入游泳池中
to jump out of the pool 又跳了出来
to prepare breakfast 准备早餐
Ah, goody! Breakfast is ready. 噢,太好了!可以开饭了!
to pull out of the garage 从车库开车出来
yawning neighbor 伸着懒腰的邻居
to think in the bathroom 在浴室中思考(在思考什么呢?)
to paint the roof 油漆屋顶
to kick off the paint bucket 踢下油漆桶
The paint bucket fell down on his head. 油漆桶扣在了他的头上。(真可怜,他可真不走运)
to make his hairdo 做头发(是不是在头发上贴上“油漆未干”的字条?)
The phone is ringing. 来电话了。(直译:电话铃声响了。)
to scream for his breakfast 想吃早餐而大喊大叫。(油漆未干,不宜进食)
guitar on the bed 床上的吉他
stereo set playing a record 放着唱片的立体声唱机
