Unit 126
The surest way is to do it yourself.
1 朋友要你买一件衣服,你怕不合适,就说,最保险的方法是你自己去买:
The surest way is to buy it yourself.
2 老板听说你要辞职,就把你叫过去,让你亲自对他说:
You yourself tell it to me.
3 同寝室的人望着镜子发呆。你问他说,干嘛老对着镜子看他自己:
Why look at yourself in the mirror?
4 同事问你怎么一直不来俱乐部。你说,过去几周身体一直不舒服:
I haven't been myself these past few weeks.
5 医生告诉你不要担心病情。他说,很快你的身体就会恢复正常了:
You'll soon be yourself again.
6 你想找些同学一同完成这个作业。老师说,只能你自己做:
You just do it by yourself.
7 他说他步行穿越了整个国家。你说,他是否独自徒步穿越的:
Did you walk across the country by yourself?
8 老师说,独立思考是成熟的标志。你说,你们男孩子必须学会独立思考:
We boys must learn to think for ourselves.
yourself pron.可作宾语,同位语,状语
be yourself 身体正常(没不舒服)
by yourself (yourseleves)你自己独立...
for yourself(yourselves)自己,亲自
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