Unit 205
I read French, but I can't speak it.
1 你对秘书说,合作商是法国人,这下她的法语派上用场了。她说,她只会阅读不会讲:
I read French, but I can't speak it.
2 你对朋友说,你最爱收集好书。他说,他最大的乐趣是读好书:
My favorite interest is to read excellent books.
3 朋友看你读报读得入迷,就问,有什么新闻。你说,你一直在读一篇好文章:
I have been reading a good article.
4 等人等不到的滋味太难受了。你说,你要弄点儿杂志来读读:
I'll get some magazines to read.
5 丈夫问你希望这周末怎么过。你说,读书,聊天:
Reading and talking.
6 祖父躺在床上问你,可不可以把信读给他听:
Would you please read the letter to me?
7 妻子问,你听谁说的牛奶要涨价。你说,是昨天从报纸上看到的:
I read that yesterday in the newspaper.
8 听朋友说想换工作。你想起昨天报纸的广告,你告诉他,你看到一家公司正招聘设计人员:
I read that a company is wanting designers.
read v.阅读、看(书、报)等
成语有:read aloud 朗读
read between the lines 从字里行间看出、看出言外之意
read over 看一遍
read one's mind 看出某人在想什么