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主题 : 《走遍美国》文本+在线视频
级别: 论坛版主
20  发表于: 2004-05-08   
I Do 我愿意


It looks wrong. 看起来不对劲。
Hmmm. It is wrong. 嗯。是不对劲。
Are they always that difficult to make? 领结这样难看吗?
The truth is ... yes. 老实说……是很难看。
I'll try again. 我再试一次。
At this rate, 照这种速度,
the wedding will take place tomorrow. 婚礼只有明天举行了。
Not to worry. 别担心。
OK. Here we go. 好吧。我们重来。
I'm worried, Philip. 我很担心,Philip。
What if we can't tie the tie? 如果我们不打好领结会怎么样?
If we can't tie the tie, 假如我们不好打领结,
then there can't be a wedding. 婚礼就不能举行了。
You'd better not make Harry 你最好别让Harry
any more nervous than he is. 更加紧张了。
Don't worry. 别担心。
We'll figure a way. 我们会想法子的。
How're you doing, fellas? 你们怎么样了,各位?
Not so good, Grandpa. 情况不太好,爷爷。
We can't get this bow tie tied. 我们打不好领结。
Nobody knows how to do it. 没有人会打。
Do you? 你会吗?
No. I never could, either. 不会。我也一直都不会。
Well, you have your own tuxedo. 噢,你有自己的燕尾服。
How do you tie your bow tie? 你怎么打领结的?
Yeah, Grandpa, 对呀,爷爷,
I've seen you in it. 我曾见过你那身打扮。
You look great. 你看起来很神气。
How do you tie it? 你怎么打的?
I don't. 我没有。
You don't? 你没有打?
What do you mean? 你是什么意思呀?
I never could tie one of those ... 我从来就不会打那一类的……
things ... bow ties. 玩意儿……领结。
I have always worn a clip-on bow tie. 我都是用夹上去的领结。
A clip-on? 用夹上去的?
Of course. 对啊。
Now I remember. 现在我想起来了。
Yes, it's so easy. 没错,它真简便。
All you do is 你所要做的就是
clip it around under your collar. 将它夹在领子下方。
We all need one of those. 我们都需要一个这样的领结。
The tuxedo rental store. 礼服出租店。
Do you think they're open? 你们说现在还开?
Should be. 应该是开的。
Sunday's their big day. 星期天是他们生意很火的日子。
I'll call and find out. 我打电话问问看。
Well, if they're not, 噢,假如店不开的话,
I'll lend you mine, Harry. 我把我的借给你,Harry。
You're the only one 你是我们当中唯一
who really needs to be wearing a tuxedo, 真正需要穿燕尾服的,
anyway. 不管怎么说。
Thanks, Grandpa. 谢谢你,爷爷。
I'm the father of the bride. 我是新娘的父亲。
I'm supposed to be worried about my daughter, 我原该为我的女儿担心才是,
and here I am with 如今我却与
the man that's marrying my daughter-- 将要娶我女儿的人在一起----
worrying about him. 为他操心。
Poor Harry. 可怜的Harry。
I know the feeling. 我知道这种感觉。
Wedding-day Jitters. 这叫婚礼紧张症。
Are they open? 店开着吗?
We're in luck. 我们运气好。
They're open. 店开着。
And they have lots of clip-on bow ties. 而且他们有许多夹上去的领结。
I'll bicycle down to the village and get them. 我骑脚踏车去镇上拿。
You'd better hurry, Robbie. 你最好快点,Robbie。
There's lots of time. 时间多得很。
A little over two hours. 两个钟头多一点。
In two hours and fifteen minutes 再过两小时十五分
I'll be married to Susan. 我就要和Susan结婚了。
And be a true member of the Stewart family. 也真正成了Stewart家庭中的一员。
Oh, you're a lucky guy, Harry. 噢,你是一个幸运的小伙,Harry。
Susan is one of the best women you'll ever find. Susan是你能找到的最好的女人之一。
She's just like her grandma. 她就像她的祖母一样。
Now, once you put the ring on Susan's finger, 现在,你一旦将戒指戴上Susan的手,
you are one of us, Harry. 你就是我们家中的一员了,Harry。
And don't ever forget it. 永远别忘记这一点。
Ring? Ring? 戒指?戒指?
Oh my! 噢 ,我的天!
What did I do with the rings? 我把戒指放哪儿了?
I put them in the pocket of my sports jacket. 我把它们放在我运动夹克的口袋。
No, 不对,
I think you put them 我想你是放在
in your tuxedo jacket pocket. 礼服上衣口袋。
Remember? 记得吗?
Right. 对。
What did I do with the rings? 我把戒指放哪儿了?
Didn't you give them to Richard? 你不是把它们交给Richard了?
He's your best man. 他是男傧相呀。
I remember. 我记起来了。
You gave them to Richard. 你交给了Richard。
Oh, yeah. 噢,对了。
I remember now. 我现在想起来了。
You handed them to me. 你将它们给了我。
What did I do with them? 我把它们放在哪儿?
I hope they aren't lost. 但愿没丢才好。
Oh, don't worry, Harry. 别担心,Harry。
They have to be here. 它们肯定就在这儿。
I remember. 我想起来了。
I gave them to Robbie to hold 我把它们交给Robbie拿着
so I wouldn't lose them. 免得我弄丢了。
Where's Robbie? Robbie在哪儿?
Relax, Harry. 不要紧张,Harry。
Robbie went to pick up   Robbie去拿
the clip-on bow ties. 夹上去的领结。
Oh, I forgot. 噢,我忘了。
What time is it? 现在是什么时间了?
It's still a little over two hours, Harry. 仍然还有两个多小时,Harry 。
Just relax. 不用紧张。
What about the rings? 戒指怎么办?
I'm sure Robbie has them. 我确定在Robbie那儿。
No, no, Robbie doesn't have them. 不,不,Robbie没有拿。
He gave them to me to hold on to them 他给我戒指要我自己保管
because he didn't want the responsibility of holding them. 因为他不想承担保管它们的责任。
I put them in my tuxedo-- 我将它们放在我礼服的口袋---
but in the lapel pocket. 但是在胸前的口袋。
That's a relief. 现在我放心了。
I was really worried. 刚才我真的很担心。
I'll hold on to them for you. 我为你保管吧。
The best man always keeps the rings. 男傧相总是保管戒指的。
You're right. 你说的对。
You hold on to them so there won't be a problem later. 你来保管免得等一下又出问题了。
Well, 好了,
now, I think we'd better get dressed, fellas. 现在我们最好去穿好衣服,各位。
All right! 好的!
Robbie will bring the ties back. Robbie会拿领结回来。
Hey, leaving me? 嗨,丢下我啦?
You'll be fine. 你不会有事的。
Try to take it easy. 放轻松点。
It'll all be over in two hours. 再有两个小时就结束了。
Over? 结束?
The wedding ceremony will be over. 婚礼会结束。
You'll be husband and wife. 你们就成为夫妻了。
I guess you're right. 说的也对。
Two hours from now. 从现在起还有两个小时
Two hours from now. 从现在起两小时。

Hm, two hours from now,
two more hours.
Well, that's a long time to wait.
Grandpa's right,
I do have the wedding-day jitters.
But why am I so nervous?
I couldn't find the rings,
but they were in my pocket,
and now Richard's got them.
He's my best man.
He'll take care of them.
Right, right.
I don't need to worry about that.
None of us knew how to tie
my bow tie.
But that problem's taken care of now, too,
since Robbie went into the village
to pick up some clip-on bow ties.
So why the jitters?
Who am I kidding?
I'm getting married today!
Huh ... married.
Hmm ... married.
In just two hours,
I'll be married
to the most wonderful woman in the world,
the woman I love.
Huh, I fell in love with Susan
on our very first date!
"You know something?"
"I think we're going to be good friends.
Good night, Susan."
"Good night, Harry. Have a safe trip home!"
"Are you all right?"
I was nervous even then.
Susan is beautiful,
and intelligent, and kind.
And we have fun together.
She'd be a wonderful mother to Michelle.
Considering she'll be my wife--
Mrs. Harry Bennett--
I couldn't be any happier.
Less nervous maybe,
but I couldn't be any happier.


And now for ... something old, 现在接着是……一些旧的,
something new, something borrowed, 一些新的,一些借来的,
and something blue. 和一些蓝色的。
OK. Let's see.   好。让我们看看。
Something borrowed. 借来的东西。
That's this dress. Borrowed from Marilyn. 那就是这件礼服。跟Marilyn借的。
Something blue. 蓝色的东西。
My wristband. 我的腕带。
I wore it when I married your father. 我和你父亲结婚时戴着它。
Oh, Mother. I forgot you still had it. 噢,妈妈。我忘了你仍然保留着它。
It's just so lovely. 它是那么可爱。
I bought it in an antique shop 我在一家古董店买的。
when I was about eighteen years old. 那时我差不多十八岁。
I saved it for my wedding day. 我留着等我的结婚日才用。
And you saved it for me, didn't you, Mother? 也留着要给我,对吗,妈妈?
Yes, honey. I did. 是的,亲爱的。是这样。
Are we ever going to finish? 我们这样谈得完吗?
All right. OK. 好吧。行了。
Something borrowed. 借的东西。
The wedding dress. And something blue. 结婚礼服。蓝色的东西。
The wristband. Something old? 腕带。旧的东西?
Something old. 旧的东西。
Right. What's old? 对了,旧的东西是什么?
Of course! 当然有!
Something old. 旧的东西。
I had planned to wear them. 我早就预备戴它们。
Grandma's pearls! 祖母的珍珠项链!
Oh, Grandpa will be so pleased that you're wearing them. 噢,戴了它,祖父一定会非常高兴。
I'm sure he misses Grandma on a day like this. 我想在这样的日子祖父一定会思念祖母。
Help me with them, Marilyn. 帮我戴上,Marilyn。
I've never worn them before. 我从来没有戴过这个。
I've been saving them for today. 我一直留着等今天才戴。
Saving them for today? 留着等今天?
Oh, you're a real Stewart! 噢,是一个真正Stewart家的成员!
Oh, there you go. 噢 一切都好了。
Lovely! 太可爱了 !
Lovely! 太可爱了 !
Lovely! 太可爱了 !
Something borrowed, something blue. 借的东西,蓝色的东西。
Something old ... 旧的东西……
and now for something new. 现在轮到新的东西了。
The veil. 面纱。
Oh, it's so beautiful, Marilyn! 噢,它好漂亮, Marilyn!
You really are a fabulous designer, Marilyn. 真是一个绝佳的设计师 ,Marilyn。
Doesn't it look just right on Susan? Susan戴起来正好,不是吗?
Perfect! 太棒了!
And when you both say, "I do," 当你们两人都说,“我愿意” 时,
Harry will lift this veil over your head   Harry会掀起面纱
and kiss the bride. 吻新娘。
Oh, I'm so excited! 噢,我真是太兴奋了!
When you said, "I do," Marilyn, 当你说 “我愿意” 时, Marilyn,
it suddenly became real. 一切突然成真了。
That's all right, Susan. 没有错,Susan。
You've got the wedding-day jitters! 你已经得了婚礼紧张症!
In less than two hours, 在不到两个小时之后,
you will be Mrs. Harry Bennett. 将成为Harry Bennett太太。
Oh, that reminds me. 噢,倒提醒了我。
If we don't get dressed, 假如我们不去打扮,
we won't be there 我们将无法
to see Susan become Mrs. Harry Bennett. 目睹Susan成为Harry Bennett太太。
Before you leave--do I look all right? 在你们离开之前---告诉我我这样子可以吗?
You never looked better. 再漂亮不过了。
Mom. 妈妈。
She's right. 她说得没错。
And that's dear little Max. 那是亲爱的小Max。
Got to go and feed him. 我得走了该去喂他了。
What am I supposed to do? 我该做什么?
Take off the veil, 拿掉面纱,
kick off your shoes, and sit down. 脱掉你的鞋子,坐下来。
We'll come upstairs and get you in a little while. 我们待会儿就上楼来带你下去。
Richard's going to take some wedding pictures   Richard准备拍一些结婚照片
before the ceremony. 在婚礼前。
So just relax. 所以放轻松点。
Are you kidding? Relax? 在开玩笑吗?放轻松?
Susan Stewart ... Susan Stewart…
you are about to become Susan Bennett-- 即将成为Susan Bennett----
Mrs. Harry Bennett.   Harry Bennett太太。

Mrs. Harry Bennett, huh?
Soon our wedding will begin.
Am I ready?
Let's see.
I have something old.
The pearls my Grandmother gave me.
Err--something new.
My beautiful veil.
Something borrowed.
That's this dress from Marilyn.
Oh, it must be lucky.
Marilyn wore this dress when she married Richard.
And they seem very happy!
Where was I!
Oh, and something blue.
The antique wristband from mother.
Oh how sweet!
She saved it for me all these years.
I'm ready, but I'm nervous.
Are all brides this nervous?
I've waited for this wonderful day all my life.
The day I marry the man I love.
I love Harry.
He's thoughtful and kind.
"What pretty flowers, thank you!"
And a good father to Michelle.
"I love you, Daddy."
Oh I hope I'll be a good mother to Michelle.
It was tough for her after her mother died.
But now she's like a daughter to me.
I'm very lucky.
Today I'll become a wife
and a mother all at the same time,
the moment I say, "I do."
"Susan, will you marry me?"
"You bet I will.
I love you, Harry."


Philip ... Ellen. Philip ... Ellen。
Ah, Judge. 噢,法官。
How are you? 你好吗?
How are you,my dear?好吗,亲爱的?
Hello. 你好。
I think it's time for the wedding to begin. 我想是婚礼开始的时候了。
All right, ladies and gentlemen. 好啦,女士们,先生们。
Please take your places. 请大家就座。
The wedding ceremony is about to begin. 婚礼就要开始了。
OK, Jane. Start the music. 好,Jane。音乐开始。
Dearly beloved, 敬爱的人们,
we are gathered here today 我们今天聚集在这儿
to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. 见证这位男士和这位女士的神圣婚姻。
Do either of you have any reason. 两位之中可有哪位因为某项原因。
Is there anyone present who can show 在座可有人能提出
any just cause why these two people 任何正当理由说明这两位
should not be legally joined in marriage? 不该合法结婚的?
Then, Harry Bennett, do you take Susan Stewart 那么,Harry Bennett,你愿意接受Susan Stewart
to be your lawful, wedded wife? 做你合法妻子吗?
I do. 我愿意。
And you, Susan Stewart, 那么,Susan Stewart ,
do you take Harry Bennett 你愿意接受Harry Bennett
to be your lawful, wedded husband? 为你合法的丈夫吗?
I do. 我愿意。
The rings, please. 请戴戒指。
I have them, Harry. 在我这儿,Harry 。
By the power vested in me by the laws of the State of New York, 凭着纽约州法律赋予我的权利,
I now pronounce you husband and wife. 我现在宣布你们成为夫妻。
You may kiss the bride now, Harry. 你可以吻新娘了,Harry。

What a wonderful wedding, Philip.
Just perfect.
It was Ellen.
It was Ellen.
And you were the beautiful mother of the bride.
Look at you here with Robbie
as he escorted you onto the patio.
Robbie looked so grown up,
and handsome like his father.
And look at Michelle.
What a sweet flower girl!
She was so excited.
She's never been to a wedding before.
And here's Susan's bride's maid, Marilyn.
Marilyn was Susan's matron of honor, Philip.
Look at Richard and Harry.
They seem like brothers, don't they?
And Dad with our new grandson Max.
I love this picture.
And I love this one--
as you escorted Susan.
That's our little girl, Ellen.
Oh Philip, I remember
when she was just a baby.
Our little girl grew up so fast.
Now she's a mature married woman,
with her own family.
I feel like I've lost my daughter.
Ellen, you haven't lost a daughter.
We've gained a son.
A talented, intelligent, likeable son,
who happens to love our daughter very much.
We also have
a lovely new granddaughter, Michelle.
What a wonderful family.
I love you, Philip.
I love you too, Ellen.
级别: 论坛版主
21  发表于: 2004-05-08   
Quality Time 黄金时间


Where's Mom? 妈妈呢?
She went to a school-board meeting. 她去参加联合校董事会会议了。
I don't know how she does it. 我不知道她怎么办到的。
She sure keeps busy. 她真的是忙个不停。
It's important to her. 这对她来说很重要。
There are lots of places to go, 有很多地方要去,
lots of things to do. 许多事情要做。
She can't sit around and do nothing. 她总不能闲坐着无所事事呀。
Philip works late.   Philip工作到很晚。
I guess you're right. 我想你说得对。
I wish I had her energy. 我希望我有她那样的精力。
Anybody home? 有人在家吗?
We're in here, Dad. 我们在里面,爸爸。
Oh. Hi, gang. 噢。嗨,你们好。
Hello, Philip. 哈,Philip。
How was your day? 今天好吗?
My day was just fine. 这一天还好。
So was my night. 晚上也还不错。
It's almost ten o'clock. 现在已经快十点钟了。
Mmm. I'm starving. 嗯,我饿坏了。
Um ... where's Mom? 唔……妈妈呢?
She went to a school-board meeting. 她去参加联合校董事会的会议。
There's a note for you on the refrigerator. 冰箱上有她留给你的字条。
Oh? 噢?
Did you have dinner, Robbie? 你吃晚餐了吗, Robbie?
Yeah. 吃了。
Mike and I had a hamburger at the diner. Mike和我在火车厢餐厅那儿吃了汉堡。
I came home a little while ago. 我也是刚刚到家。
You've been working late 你一直工作到很晚
almost every night this week, Dad. 几乎这个星期的每天晚上都如此,爸爸。
Aren't you exhausted? 你不会精疲力尽吗?
I don't have time to be exhausted. 我没有时间去精疲力尽。
You and Mom haven't had dinner together with us 你和妈妈没有和我们一起吃晚饭
in almost a full week. 差不多有一整个星期了。
Yeah, 是啊。
I feel bad 我觉得很不安
about us not having dinner with the family, 对于我们无法与全家人共进晚餐,
but our schedules are so different. 但我们的工作时间实在差太多了。
Either I'm at the hospital doing paperwork, 不是我在医院办公事,
or Mom is at a committee meeting. 就是妈妈参加小组会议。
I frankly don't know what to do about it. 我真不知道该怎么解决。
I'm worried about you and Mom. 我很担心你和妈妈。
You really have been working too hard. 你们确实太忙了。
Well, 好啦,
I think I've had enough of that sandwich. 我想我已经吃够了三明治。
You didn't finish it. 你没有吃完它。
It's not good to eat before going to bed. 在上床前吃太多不好。
A cookie can't hurt, though. 但一片小甜饼不要紧。
Well, 好啦,
I'm heading off for bed 我先去睡觉了
and a good night's sleep. 睡一个好觉。
Well, good night. 好吧,晚安。
Good night, Son. 晚安,儿子。
Good night, Dad. 晚安,爸爸。
I'm going to bed. 我去睡觉了。
Good night, Philip. 晚安,Philip。
Haven't you finished balancing that checkbook? 你还没有核对完支票簿帐目?
I found another mistake. 我又发现一个错误。
I'll be off to bed myself in a minute. 我再过一会也要上床睡觉了。
OK. Good night. 好,晚安。
I'm really concerned about them, 我真的为他们担心,
Grandpa. 爷爷。
Concerned about whom? 为谁担心?
About Mom and Dad. 爸爸和妈妈。
They hardly ever see each other. 他们几乎彼此不碰头。
Dad often works late, 爸爸老是工作到很晚,
and Mom has all these committees she's on. 妈妈又有那么多的小组会议要开。
What do you propose to do about it? 那你建议要怎么办?
You have that look in your eye. 你看起来好像有了主意似的。
I don't know, 我不知道,
but there must be a way 但总该有一个办法
of getting them to spend more time together. 能让他们有更多时间相处。
Quality time. 黄金时光。

I got home late
after working all day.
I was hoping to find you,
but you were away.
You left me some dinner,
something to eat,
but I won't be waiting up,
'cause I've got to get to sleep.
I'm going to get home late
after working all day.
I know you'll be home,
but I'll miss you anyway.
I hope you find my note
and have something to eat.
I really want to see you,
but you'll be asleep.
We never seem to have any fun
like we had before.
We're working too hard,
and I never get to see you anymore.
We have to make time for each other.
We owe it to ourselves and one another.
So why don't we do it?
What do you say?
Let's make some changes.
We could start today.
We need some quality time
... together.
... together.
What we need is quality time.
Oh, yeah!
We need to talk to each other,
laugh with each other.
Let's get together, you and me.
With quality time,
we'll enjoy each other's company.
You're working long hours,
and you're never at home.
Sometimes it seems
you're just a voice on the phone.
And when you call,
You say you'll be home late.
You're always missing dinner
'cause it just can't wait.
My job keeps me busy,
and I know you're busy, too.
I really want to spend
"more" time with you.
I'm getting up early,
and I'm coming home late.
If I want to see you,
I've got to make a special date.
We need some quality time
... together.
What we need is quality time.
Oh, yeah!
We need to talk to each other,
laugh with each other.
Let's get together ...


Hello there, Robbie. 哈,Robbie。
What are you doing up this late? 这么晚了你还没睡在做什么?
Reading. 读书。
Reading? 读书?
At this hour? 在这个时候?
Ah, come on, Robbie. 噢,算了吧,Robbie。
What are you doing up this late? 这么晚你不睡在干什么?
Things on my mind. 想一些事情。
Do you care to talk about them? 你想谈谈它们吗?
Sure, 当然,
if you don't mind listening. 假如你不介意听的话。
Robbie, Robbie, remember me? Robbie,Robbie,记得我?
I'm your mother. 我是你母亲。
If you have something you want to talk about, 假如你有什么事情要谈,
I'm always prepared to listen. 我总是准备听的。
You haven't been around much lately. 最近你在家的时候不多。
So that's it. 原来是这件事。
OK, let's talk. 好,让我们谈谈。
You and Dad are like ships that pass in the night. 和爸爸就像在夜里交错而过的船一样。
Dad works hard, and he works late. 爸爸工作忙,而且忙到很晚。
You work hard on all your committees, 而你总是在各种委员会忙,
and you work late. 也工作到很晚。
I thought you were proud of the work I do. 我还以为你为我所做的工作感到骄傲呢。
I am, Mom. 我确实感到骄傲,妈妈。
Real proud. 真的骄傲。
You are one fantastic mom, 你是一位好母亲。
but ... but I've been noticing 但……但我注意到
how little quality time 黄金时光太少了
you spend with Dad and me ... and the family. 和父亲,我……及全家人共度的。
It's a real problem, Robbie. 这确实是个问题,Robbie。
I know it. 我知道。
I'm concerned. 我很担心。
There must be a way 总该有个办法
that Dad and you can spend more time together. 能使你和爸爸有更多时间在一起。
Well, we always talk about 说的也是,我们常在谈论
taking a vacation together--with the family. 要一起渡个假---和全家一起。
I think you ought to 我觉得你们应该
take a vacation away from the family--alone. 离开家人而单独在一起渡个假。
Kind of a second honeymoon. 类似二度蜜月的假期。
It would be wonderful, 那倒是很美妙,
but our schedules won't allow it. 但我们的工作时间表不允许这样。
I think I have an idea. 我有一个主意。
You do? 真的?
Yup. 是的。
I think I have an idea 我想我有一个办法
that will bring Dad and you 使你和爸爸
together in a more scheduled way. 能更定时在一起。
What is it? 是什么主意?
Well, 噢,
you know how Dad is always talking about 知道爸爸时常谈起
the kids in the ward 住院的孩子们
and how important it is for them to be paid attention to? 以及他们何等需要受人关怀?
Yes. 是的。
Well ... 好……
and how hard it is 他还说这件事很难
because the doctors and nurses are so busy? 因为医生和护士们都非常忙?
Yes. 是的。
Well, how would it be if you took some time 好,那你花些时间
to work with Dad towards solving that problem? 和爸爸一起来解决这个问题怎么样?
I don't get it. 我不懂你的话。
Like setting up a regular weekly reading program. 譬如说开办一项每周一次的定期阅读计划。
You and Dad. 你和爸爸。
You and Dr. Philip Stewart-- 和Philip Stewart医生---
going to the children's ward once or twice a week 每星期就去小儿科病房一两次
and reading to them. 为他们朗读。
Not bad. 不错。
Not a bad idea, Robbie. 蛮好的主意,Robbie。
As a matter of fact, 事实上 ,
it fits right in with something I'm working on right now 这跟我正在进行的某项小组工作不谋而合
with the school-board committee. 与联合校董事会有关。
What's that? 什么样的工作?
I've been trying 我一直努力
to work out a program 想研拟一项计划
in the public school 在公立学校中
that will bring parents and teachers together once a week 让家长们及教师每星期一次
to read to the students--their own children, really. 共同为学生们---其实就是他们自己的孩子朗读。
By doing that, it will encourage reading. 这样做能鼓励阅读。
So it might fit in with a program 所以这个跟计划相当吻合
for reading to the kids in the hospital. 为住院的孩子朗读。
You're right. 你说得对。
We'll do it! 我们就来进行吧!
I'm going to talk to Daddy about it right now. 我现在就去跟爸爸谈谈这件事。
But Dad was so exhausted when he came home from work. 但爸爸工作回来时已经累得不得了。
Why don't you talk to him about it tomorrow? 何不明天再跟他谈?
You are a very smart young man, Robbie. 你是个绝顶聪明的年轻人,Robbie。
I think I'll wait until tomorrow. 我想我就等明天再谈。
You won't forget, will you? 不会忘记吧?
Believe me, I won't. 放心,我不会的。
It is a great idea, 这是个极好的主意。
and I promise you I won't forget. 我向你保证我不会忘的。
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈妈。
Thank you, Robbie. 谢谢你,Robbie。

I don't get it.
I don't understand.
I don't follow you.
No, no. Oh, no, no.
Run that by me again,
'cause I don't understand.
No, no. I don't get it.
I don't get it.
What do you mean?
I don't get the picture.
Huh? I don't get it.
Explain it all again,
'cause I don't understand.
No, no. I don't get it.
What are you trying to say?
What are you trying to say?
I don't get it.
Exactly what do you mean?
I don't follow you.
Could you explain that again?
I don't get it.
I don't understand.
I don't follow you.
No, no. Oh, no, no.
Run that by me again,
'cause I don't understand.
No, no. I don't get it.
Ah, I get it.
Oh, I see what you mean.
Yeah. I see what you're trying to say.
I get it.
Right! I see.
Oh, I know what you mean.
OK, I follow you now.
I understand.
I get it.
I get it.


Good morning. 早安。
What a wonderful morning! 多么美好的早晨!
Don't the flowers smell wonderful? 花儿闻起来好香,不是吗?
Good morning, Ellen. 早安,Ellen。
Yes, they do. 是的,花儿好香。
That's why I'm reading my paper and having my coffee 这就是今天早上为什么我看报纸喝咖啡
on the patio this morning. 要在院子里。
Ah, it does smell sweet. 噢,它们确实很香。
How was your school-board meeting last night? 昨天晚上你们的联合校董事会会议开得怎么样?
You must've come home very late. 你一定很晚才回家。
Did you find the sandwich I made for you? 你找到我为你做的三明治了?
Thanks, dear. 谢谢,亲爱的。
I was so tired 我太累了。
I didn't even finish it. 没有能吃完它。
Philip, I've been working on this special project   Philip,我一直在研拟一项特别计划
with the school board, 和联合校董事会一起,
and I'd like your opinion about it. 我需要你的意见。
What is it? 是个什么样的计划?
I've been trying to find 我一直在寻求
a way to encourage reading. 鼓励阅读的办法。
Good luck! 祝你好运!
Well, I think I may have found a way to do it. 噢,我想我也许已找到一种办法。
Tell me about it. 说给我听吧。
I work with families every day, Ellen. 我每天的工作就是接触一些家庭,Ellen。
I see how people spend their leisure time-- 我看到人们怎样利用空闲时间---
young and old. 不管是年轻的还是年老的。
Mostly watching television. 大部分是看电视。
Well, that would be OK 那倒没有什么关系。
if, and I repeat, 只要,我重复一遍,
if people took the time to read. 只要人们肯花时间去阅读。
I couldn't agree with you more. 我彻底同意你的看法。
The question is, 问题是,
how do we get them to read more? 我们怎样才能使他们多阅读?
I think 我想
you're going to give me the answer to that question. 是要给我这个问题一个答案。
You have that look in your eye. 你的眼睛显示出你已有了答案。
I do have an answer, Philip. 我确实有一个答案,Philip。
Or at least I think I do. 至少我想我有了答案。
Well, tell me about it. 那么,告诉我吧。
The plan is a simple one. 计划很简单。
Involve the entire family in a reading project. 让整个家庭都参与阅读计划。
In the home? 在家中?
Yes, in the home. 是的,在家中。
But first in the school-rooms. 但首先是在教室里。
Hmm, interesting. 嗯,有意思。
But how do you plan to do that? 但你预备怎么做呢?
By arranging with the public schools 首先从公立学校开始
to schedule one hour a week--to start with. 安排一星期一个小时。
During that time 在那一小时
parents are invited to attend-- 家长被邀请来参加---
and to read along with the children--their children. 和孩子们---他们的孩子们一起阅读。
It can go beyond the school system, Ellen. 这可以推广到学校体制以外,Ellen。
Really? 真的?
I guarantee you it would go very well in the hospitals. 我保证在医院这种计划会推行得很好。
My patients--mostly kids-- 我的病人---大多数是孩子---
would love to read and be read to. 会喜欢阅读并且喜欢别人读给他们听。
You think so? 你想会是这样吗?
I know so. 我确定知道是这样。
Maybe we can experiment with your patients 也许我们可以在你的病人中试一试。
and see how the plan works. 看看这项计划实施得如何。
I love the idea. 我喜欢这个主意。
Would you work with me on it? 你愿意和我一起来做吗?
I would love to, Philip. 我当然愿意,Philip。
And that way, 而且那样的话,
we'll spend more time together, Ellen. 我们会有更多的时间在一起,Ellen。
We just don't see each other anymore. 我们彼此差不多见不到面了。
You and I are very busy these days. 这些天来我们俩都很忙。
This is true. 这倒是事实。
We need to find time to be together more, 我们确实需要多找时间相聚一块,
to do things together more--you and I. 也需要多在一起工作。
This would be a wonderful way to accomplish that. 这倒是达到这个目的的绝佳办法。
I have a question. 我有一个问题。
Yes? 是吗?
What do we read? 我们读些什么呢?
To the patients in the ward? 读给病房里的病人?
Yes. 是的。
Well, 好,
let you and I talk about it. 我们就来讨论一下。
What would you like to read to them? 你想读些什么给他们听?
Mrs. Stewart and I   Stewart太太和我
will read a poem by Robert Frost. 要朗读Robert Frost作的一首诗。
It's called 它的题目是
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." “雪夜林边小驻” 。
Would you begin, Ellen? 请你开始,Ellen ?
All right. 好的。
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" “雪夜林边小驻”
by Robert Frost.     Robert Frost作。
Whose woods these are I think I know. 这是谁的林子我想我知道。
His house is in the village though; 虽然他的屋子是在村子里;
He will not see me stopping here 他不会看到我驻足此地
To watch his woods fill up with snow. 注视他落满雪花的林子。
My little horse must think it queer 我的小马一定感到奇怪
To stop without a farmhouse near 为何停在没有农舍的地方
Between the woods and frozen lake 就在林子和冰湖之间
The darkest evening of the year. 在这一年中最漆黑的夜晚。
He gives his harness bells a shake 他摇动绳上的铃铛
To ask if there is some mistake. 想问问是否搞错了。
The only other sound's the sweep 徐风掠过和细雪纷飞
Of easy wind and downy flake. 徐风掠过和细雪纷飞。
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, 林子迷人,漆黑而深邃,
But I have promises to keep, 但是我有约要赴,
And miles to go before I sleep, 在我就寝前还得赶许多里路,
And miles to go before I sleep. 在我就寝前还得赶许多里路。
You two belong on stage! That was wonderful! 你们俩简直是职业演员!读得太棒了!
Grandpa! 爷爷!
Dad ... Robbie. When did you come? 爸爸……Robbie。你们什么时候来的?
We've been listening to you both. 我们一直在听你们朗诵。
These are lucky kids. 这是一群幸运的孩子。
Do you enjoy reading together? 你们喜欢在一起朗诵吗?
Well, we may read together aloud at home. 嗯,我们或许可以在家里一起大声朗诵。
You were right, Robbie. 你做对了,Robbie。
I know. 我知道。

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near.
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
级别: 论坛版主
22  发表于: 2004-05-08   
A Big Fish in a Little Pond 小池塘里的大鱼


I really like this one Susan. Do you? Susan,我真的很喜欢这一件,你呢?
Turn around, Michelle. Let me see the back of it. 转过去一下 Michelle。让我看看它的背面。
I like it a lot. It fits well. 我非常喜欢。它很合身。
It doesn't need any alterations. We must've bought the right size. 不需作任何修改。我们一定是买对了尺寸。
I like the color. She looks good in blue. 我喜欢这颜色。她穿蓝色的很好看。
I like blue, too, Daddy. 我也喜欢蓝色的,爸爸。
Try on the skirt and blouse outfit, Michelle-- 试试上衣和裙子的那一套吧,Michelle----
the one that Daddy wanted you to wear. 爸爸要你穿的那一套。
OK. 好的。
Michelle has been a different kid since we've been married. 自从我们结婚之后,Michelle变成另一个人了。
She's never been happier. 她从来没有像现在这样快乐过。
And I've never been happier, Harry. 我也从来没有这样快乐过,Harry。
I love her very much. She's been a joy. 我很爱她。她是个讨人喜欢的孩子。
We're very lucky, the three of us ... 我们非常幸运,我们三个…
and becoming part of the Stewart family, too. 而且成为Stewart家庭的一份子。
We couldn't ask for anything more, could we? 我们再没什么可求的了,对吗?
Well ... 嗯……
Well ...? Could we ask for anything more? 嗯……?我们还有什么可求的?
Well ... we ... 嗯……我们……
How do you like it, Daddy? 你觉得怎样,爸爸?
It's my favorite outfit. 这是我喜欢的那一套。
It's good for every day. It will be good for school, Michelle. 这套衣服每天都可以穿。它适合上学时穿,Michelle 。
I like it, too. I always like skirts that go like this. 我也喜欢它。我一直喜欢像这样飘动的裙子。
Do you want to see the winter jacket on me, Susan? 想看看我穿上冬季的夹克怎样吗,Susan?
Yes, I do. Change back into your jeans, 是的,我想看看。换回你的牛仔,
and put on the new winter jacket we bought today. 也把我们今天买的冬季夹克穿上。
OK. 好的。
What did you mean by "well ...?" 你说“嗯……”的意思是什么?
You had something on your mind 你显然有话要说
when I said we couldn't ask for anything more. 在我说我们再没什么可求的了的时候。
Is everything all right? 一切都好吗?
Everything is fine, Michelle. 一切都好,Michelle。
Let's take a look at the winter jacket. Come on over here, honey. 让我们看看冬季夹克。到这儿来,亲爱的。
It's kind of warm. 它很暖和。
It is. That's why we bought it for you. 是的。这就是我们买给你的原因。
This will be a perfect jacket for the wintertime 这一件夹克就很适合
when it's very cold out. 冬天外面很冷的时候。
But it's kind of small also. We must've bought the wrong size. 但它也有点小了。我们一定买错了尺寸。
Looks like we should've bought a bigger one. 看来我们应该买一件大些的。
I guess we'll have to exchange it, too. 我想我们还得去换一件。
I'm sure the store has others. 我相信那家店一定还有其它的尺寸。
I look silly! It is too small! 我看来很滑稽!它太小!
You're growing so fast, Michelle. 你长得太快了,Michelle。
Can I take it off? I'm hot! 我可以脱掉吗?我好热!
Sure. Put it back in your room, and we'll hang everything up later. 当然。将它放回你的房间,过一会儿我们来一件件收起来。
Well, are you going to tell me what's on your mind, Harry? 好了,你要不要告诉我你在想什么, Harry?
I have been offered a job with a major accounting company 有一家大会计公司提供我一个工作
in Los Angeles. 在Los Angeles。
Los Angeles? That's a big decision. Los Angeles 这可是个大决定。
I know. It will also affect you and your job, if we decide to go. 我知道。假如我们决定去的话,也会影响到你和你的工作。
Wow! It sure will. But first tell me about the job, Harry. 喔!当然会。但首先告诉我是什么样的工作,Harry?
If it's a good one, then we'll make it work for us. 假如它是个好工作,我们就顺水推舟。
I have a client in the garment business, on Seventh Avenue. 我有个客户在Seventh Avenue从事成衣生意。
I do his taxes every year. 我每年为他处理税务。
He has a big sales office in Los Angeles, 他在Los Angeles有一个大的销售办事处,
and the company in Los Angeles 而在Los Angeles
that does his major accounting work 承办他主要会计工作的那家公司
is looking for an executive. And he recommended me. 正在物色一位主管。他推荐了我。
That's wonderful, Harry. 那太棒了,Harry。
Yes, but it would mean that we'd have to move to L.A. 是的。但这意味着我们必须搬到Los Angeles?
What about the salary? 薪水怎么样?
The real discussion comes tomorrow. 明天才会正式商谈。
Susan, I don't plan to make any decisions Susan,我不打算做决定,
until I have a chance to talk with you about it. 除非我有机会跟你谈过。
I understand, Harry. 我了解,Harry。
And I don't have to make a quick decision. 而且我也不需要很快下决定。
They know that I'm married and that I have a family. 他们知道我结婚了,有一个家。
Well, there's a lot to think about. 噢,有许多事需要考虑。
If it's a good job, 假如它是个好工作。
then I've got to do some thinking about 那么我就必须考虑考虑
my career opportunities in Los Angeles. 我在Los Angeles的事业机会。
Is everything OK? 一切都好吗?
Yes, honey. 是的,亲爱的。

Pronunciation man. Pronunciation man.
Pronunciation man.
Harry told Susan he was thinking about a new job in California.
She must've been surprised.
You can see it in her face.
It's clear to me.
It's easy to see.
She must've been surprised.
Must've been. You mean must have been.
We can say "must've" in conversation,
and sometimes we don't pronounce the "v."
And so you hear "musta."
She must've been surprised.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
I can see that she was surprised.
It's very obvious.
But "musta?"
Well, you don't have to say it,
but sometimes you're going to hear it.
We must've bought the wrong size.
We must've bought the wrong size.
They must've bought the wrong size.
You can see that the jacket is much too small.
It's clear to me.
It's easy to see.
They must've bought the wrong size.
Is everything okay?
She looks worried.
Yes, I can see that.
Do you think she heard Susan and Harry
talking about moving to Los Angeles?
Well, evidently she heard something.
Or she saw the serious look on their faces.
Michelle is obviously concerned.
She saw something.
Yes, she must have seen something.
She must've seen something.
Or she heard something.
Yes, she must have heard something.
She must've heard something.
It's clear to me.
It's easy to see.
I must've been crazy to come here.


Hello. Hello there. Are you ready for lunch with your grandpa? 哈。哈。准备好跟你的祖父一起吃午饭?
Oh! Hi, Grandpa. Yes, of course, I am, but my mind isn't. 噢!嗨,爷爷。是的,当然,我准备好了,但是有点心烦。
What's the matter, Susan? 怎么了,Susan?
A real dilemma. 一个大伤脑筋的事。
Does it have anything to do with you and Harry? 是关于你和Harry的事吗?
Yes, but I don't know where to start. 是的,但我不知道从何说起。
Maybe I can help. Tell me what it is, Susan.,也许我能帮忙。说给我听听,Susan。
Thanks, Grandpa. Please sit down. 谢谢你,爷爷。请坐。
Oh! Harry has been offered a job in Los Angeles. 噢,有人聘请Harry到Los Angeles工作。
Well, this is something to think about. 噢,这种事确实需要想一想。
There are so many things to consider. There's Michelle. 要考虑的事太多了。首先是Michelle。
I wonder if a move would be a bad thing for her. And my job. 我不知道搬家对她来说是否是件坏事。还有我的工作。
I don't know if I can get a good job in Los Angeles. 我不知道我能否在Los Angeles找到好工作。
And what about our family? 另外就是我们家的人怎么办?
Can I tell you what I think? 让我来告诉你我的想法好吗?
Tell me. 告诉我吧。
I think that you're very successful 我认为你事业有成
and that you have a fantastic reputation in the toy industry. 而且在玩具界有很好的声誉。
I think you could talk to Mr. Marchetta, 我想你可以跟Marchetta先生谈谈,
and I think 我觉得
he could help you find a real good job in Los Angeles. 他能够帮你在Los Angeles找个很好的工作。
He was very helpful to me, remember? 他帮过我大忙,你记得?
I suppose I could call him. 我想我可以打个电话给他。
But I'm not so sure that I want to leave New York, 但我不能确定我真想离开纽约,
you, and the rest of our family. 你,和我们家的其他人。
Well, I'm not going to kid you, Susan. 噢,我可不想哄你,Susan。
You know we'd all miss you. 你知道我们都会思念你。
But this should be your decision. 但这必须由你做决定。
It's something that only you and Harry can work out. 这件事只有你和Harry才能定夺。
If moving to L.A. is in Harry's best interest, 假如搬到L.A.对Harry最有利的话,
I have to do what I can do to support him. 我就应该尽我的力量来支持他。
In every marriage, 在婚姻中,
sacrifices have to be made by one partner from time to time. 总要有一方必须不时做些调整。
And what about Michelle? 那Michelle怎么办?
Well, what do you think? 嗯,你觉得怎样?
I think Michelle is better off staying where she is. 我觉得Michelle呆在原地比较好。
What does she think? 她怎么想呢?
I don't know for sure. 我不太清楚。
Well, you'll have to ask her. 噢,应当问问她。
I think I'm going to have a talk with Mr. Marchetta 我想我要跟Marchetta先生谈谈
and get his feelings about my leaving. 征求他关于我离开的意见。
And about helping me find a job in Los Angeles. 请他帮我在Los Angeles找一份工作。
Good idea. 好主意。
I'll call him right now. No point in delaying. 我现在就打给他。没有道理拖拉。
Thanks, Grandpa. 谢谢你,爷爷。
Harry, it's the perfect job for you. You'll love it. Harry,那是最适合你的工作。你会喜欢的。
It's a big decision for me, Bill. 这对我来说是个大决定,Bill。
And I have to discuss it with my wife. 我必须跟我的太太讨论。
I don't know if it's right for her. 我不知道这事对她是否恰当。
She'll love it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime offer, Harry. 她也会喜欢的。这是个千载难逢的机会, Harry。
OK. Tell it to me again. 好吧。再说给我听听。
The company is Craft and Craft, 这家公司叫Craft and Craft ,
the biggest accounting company in the country. 是全国最大的会计公司。
I know the company well. It's big. 这家公司我很清楚。是大公司。
The biggest. 最大的。
Yeah, yeah. The biggest. When do I have to let you know? 是的,是的。最大的。我什么时候该给你回音?
Talk it over. Think it over. Let me know by the end of the week. 好好地谈一谈。好好地想一想。这个周末以前让我知道你的决定。
When would we have to move? 什么时候我们得搬家?
As soon as possible. 越快越好。
I also have my daughter to consider. 我还要考虑我女儿。
I don't want to interrupt her school year. 我不愿意打断她这个学年。
Let me know by the end of the week. 这个周末前给我回音。
It's a great opportunity for you, Harry. 这对你是个大好机会,Harry。
Believe me. 相信我。
I know. 我知道。
Craft and Craft is the biggest in the country. Craft and Craft是全国最大的。
Yeah, I know. The biggest. 是的,我知道。最大的
I think Michelle is asleep now. Let's talk. 我想Michelle现在睡着了。让我们谈谈吧。
I met with Bill York today. 今天我跟Bill York会面了。
And I talked with Mr. Marchetta. Did York make the offer? 我也和Marchetta先生谈了。York是否跟你谈那个工作机会?
Yup. He asked me if I want the job. 是的。他问我要不要接受那份工作。
That's exciting, Harry. What was it? 太令人兴奋了,Harry。是什么样的工作?
A vice-presidency 副总裁
with the biggest accounting company in the country-- 全国最大的会计公司---
Craft and Craft. Craft and Crraft。
Aren't you excited about that? 你不感到兴奋?
Sure I am. But there's so much more to consider. 我当然兴奋。但是还有那么多问题需要考虑。
I talked to Mr. Marchetta. 我跟Marchetta先生谈了。
What did he say? Did you tell him about me? 他怎么说?
Of course, Harry. I want what's best for you, 当然,Harry。我要的是对你最有利的事,
and I think I can get a good job 而且我想我也可以找到一份好工作
through Mr. Marchetta 通过Marchetta先生的帮助
in Los Angeles also. 在Los Angeles。
You're kidding. 你在说笑吧。
No, I'm not kidding. 不,我不是在说笑。
I talked with him, and he understands completely. 我与他谈了,他完全了解。
He has a major toy buyer in Los Angeles, 他在Los Angeles有一个玩具大买主,
and he's pretty sure that I can get a good job there. 他相当肯定我可以在那儿弄到一份好工作。
Unbelievable! 真不敢相信!
But I think we should talk to Michelle about all of this. 但我认为我们应该跟Micelle谈谈这整件事。
You're right. We'll talk to her about it. 说得对。我们要跟她谈谈。
And how do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles? 你对于到Los Angeles接受这份工作有何感想?
How should I feel? 我该作何感想?
It's the biggest company in the country. 它是全国最大的公司。
Well, then you feel good about taking it? 嗯,那你觉得接受它很对?
Well ... I feel fine about it. Why shouldn't I? 嗯……我觉得不错。为什么不呢?

Harry, it's the perfect job for you.
You'll love it.
It's a big decision for me, Bill.
And I have to discuss it with my wife.
Is moving away to Los Angeles
a good idea for susan?
Is it right for her?
I don't know if it's right for her.
What does Susan think?
What is she asking herself?
The question is ...
Can I get a good job in Los Angeles?
I don't know if I can get a good job
in Los Angeles.
And what about Michelle?
Would Michelle like to move?
Or would a move be a bad thing for her?
I wonder
if a move would be a bad thing for her.
So Harry, do you want the job?
That's the question.
Hmmm, do I want the job?
He asked me if I want the job.
So what do you think?
Will Harry take the job?
I don't know if he'll take the job.


I love my school. I have so many good friends there now. 我喜欢我的学校。我现在有那么多好朋友在那儿。
I wouldn't miss a day even if I were really sick. 即使我真的病了也不想错过一天。
Come and sit down for a minute, Michelle. 过来坐一会儿, Michelle 。
I'd like to talk to you about something. 我想跟你谈一件事。
Something important. 一件重要的事。
What's wrong, Susan? 有什么问题吗,Susan?
Oh, there's nothing wrong, Michelle. 噢,没什么,Michelle。
But your daddy and I are talking about something 但你爸爸和我正在讨论一件事
that I'd like your opinion about. 我需要你的意见。
I know. I heard you talking about it 我知道。我听到你们谈论的那件事
the other night when I was trying on my new clothes. 也就是我试新衣服的那天晚上。
It's about moving to Los Angeles. 是关于搬家到Los Angeles的事。
You're right. How do you feel about it? 说对了。你觉得怎么样?
Well, I really wouldn't want to move, but ... 噢,我实在不愿意搬家,但是…
But? 但是什么?
But if you and Daddy wanted to, 但是假如你和爸爸想搬的,
I guess you know what's best for the family and for me. 我猜想你们一定知道怎样做对整个家庭和我是最有利的。
That's very considerate of you, Michelle. 真会体谅别人,Michelle。
But what about your friends? 但你的朋友怎么办?
I'd miss them a lot, 我会非常想念他们,
but I know what it feels like to miss someone. 但我知道想念一个人是什么样的滋味。
Honey, we don't have to move 亲爱的,我们将不搬
if you're not going to be happy about it. 假如你会因为这种事而不快乐的话。
Does Daddy want to move? 爸爸想要搬吗?
I think so. He's going to tell us tonight about the job offer. 我想是这样。他今天晚上会告诉我们关于那份工作的事。
Well, how was everybody's day today? 喂,今天各位过得怎么样?
Michelle was chosen to do   Michelle被挑选去
the school poster for the play this year. 做今年学校话剧的海报。
Congratulations, Michelle! That's something! 恭喜,Michelle!太好了!
And how was your day, Susan? 那你今天过得怎么样, Susan?
I see you're in a good mood. 我看你心情很好。
Why don't you tell us about your day. 何不告诉我们你这一天过得如何?
I met with Bill York. 我与Bill York会面了。
It's OK to talk about it, Harry. 这件事可以摊开来谈,Harry。
Michelle knows all about it. Michelle已经全知道了。
Really? 真的?
Really, Harry. 真的,Harry。
Michelle and I have all kinds of feelings     Michelle和我感触很多
about leaving New York, the family, and friends. 对于离开纽约的家人,朋友。
But if you think you should take the job, we're behind you. 但如果你认为你应该接受这份工作, 我们支持你。
What about Michelle's school? 那Michelle的学校怎么办?
We'll move after the school term. 我们等这学期结束后再搬。
What about her new friends? 那她的新朋友?
I'll make new friends wherever we are as long as we're together. 只要我们能在一起无论在哪儿我都能交到新朋友。
We're a family, Harry. 我们是一家人,Harry。
Whatever you think is right for you is right for us. 你认为对你是好的对我们来说也是好的。
I am so touched. The two of you are really something. 我太感动了。你们俩个真是了不起。
We love you, Daddy. 我们爱你,爸爸。
And I love you. 我也爱你们。
OK. Now, tell us about your talk with Mr. York. 好啦,现在告诉我们你跟York先生的谈话吧。
Did you take the job? 你接受了那份工作?
Nope. 没有。
What? 什么?
No? You didn't take it? 没有?你没有接受?
No, I did not take the job. 对,我没有接受那份工作。
But, Daddy, I thought ... 但是,爸爸,我想……
Harry, you didn't turn it down because of me ... Harry,你拒绝它该不是因为我……
Or me? 或者我?
No, no. I turned it down because of me. 不,不。我因为我自己而拒绝了它。
How's that? 这是怎么一回事?
Well, I began to think about you and about Michelle, 噢,我开始想到你和Michelle,
and then I asked myself, 然后我问自己,
do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country? 我真的想替全国最大的公司工作?
And? 结果呢?
And I don't. 我不想这样。
I went into business for myself 我当初自己开公司
because I like being my own boss. 是因为我喜欢自己当老板。
I run my own company. I'm a big fish in a little pond. 我经营自己的公司。我是一条小池里的大鱼。
I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. 我不是真的很确定我想成为一条大池里的小鱼。
Oh, Daddy, does that mean we don't have to move? 噢,爸爸,你的意思是我们不必搬家?
That's right, sweetheart. 是的,宝贝。
Are you sure? 你确定?
I couldn't be more sure, Susan. 我再确定不过了,Susan。
I'm glad if you are, Harry. 假如你很确定我就高兴, Harry。
And besides, 更何况,
how could I live in Los Angeles 我怎么能住在Los Angeles
when all my favorite people live here? 而所有我喜欢的人都在这儿?
Your favorite people? 你喜欢的人?
Who's that? 谁呀?
The Stewart family, of course. 当然是Stewart一家人。

I kept asking myself--
do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country?
The company is Craft and Craft.
The biggest accounting company in the country.
I know the company well. It's big.
The biggest.
They are big all right,
with offices all over the country.
They're big.
Altogether, they have 86 offices in the U.S. alone.
And one of those offices is in Los Angeles,
and that's where I'd be. L.A.
Harry Bennett, just one accountant
in a huge company full of accountants.
I'd be one little fish in a big pond full of accountants.
Do you want to be a little fish in a big pond?
I'm not really sure I'd want to be
a little fish in a big pond.
I like being my own boss.
His own boss.
I work hard but I make my own schedule.
I can take time off when I want to.
And I choose my own clients.
I have a client in the garment business,
on 7th Avenue.
I do his taxes every year.
He and my other clients know me personally and
I know them.
He knows them all.
They tell me I make a big difference
in their businesses and I do it my way,
as president of my own company.
I guess you could say I like being
a big fish in my own little pond.
He wants to be a big fish in a little pond.
A little pond.
级别: 论坛版主
23  发表于: 2004-05-08   
Career Choices 职业选择


"Rock-a-bye, baby, on the tree top, “摇呀摇,小宝宝,在树顶,
When the wind blows, 风儿轻轻吹,
The cradle will rock. 摇篮跟着晃。
When the bough breaks, 树枝若折断,
The cradle will fall, 摇篮会掉落,
And down will come baby, 宝宝跌下来,
Cradle and all." 摇篮一道摔。”
Hi, Marilyn, 嗨,Marilyn。
What are you doing? 你在做什么?
Just sketching. 只是画些草图。
I've been thinking a lot about our responsibilities 我对于我们的职责想了很久
in the past few weeks. 在最近几个星期。
I never stop thinking about them. 我一直在思考这些问题从未间断。
I've been wrestling 我一直左思右想
with the question of whether I go back to work or not. 为我是否回去工作这个问题。
I see. 这一下我明白了。
And I'm torn. 但我不知如何取舍。
I really want to go back to work, 我真的想回去工作,
use my talents, 发挥我的才智,
and pursue my career in fashion design 追求我在时装设计方面的事情
like we always thought I would. 就像我们一向认定的那样。
But now ... 但是现在……
I want to be with Max as a full-time mother, 我又想和Max在一起做个全职的母亲,
especially when he's a baby. 特别是当他还是个婴儿的时候。
I really understand, Marilyn. 我真的能理解,Marilyn。
But you never have to worry about Max. 但你根本不用担心Max。
There's Mother and Grandpa ... 有妈妈和祖父呢……
and I can always arrange my photo schedule 而且我也能随时安排我的摄影工作
around your schedule, 配合你的时间表,
if that will help. 假如那样有所帮助的话。
It's not the same, Richard. 那是不一样的,Richard。
Have you discussed going back to work with your boss? 你已跟你的老板讨论过回去工作的事?
Rita Mae called yesterday. Rita Mae昨天打电话来了。
Ah! That's what's got you thinking, isn't it? 噢,就是那通电话使你开始思量起来的,是吗?
She wants to know 她想知道
when I think I'll be returning to the boutique. 我打算什么时候回去时装店工作。
And you said ... ? 那你怎么说的……?
I said I'd give her an answer in a few days ... 我说这几天给她回答……
that I wasn't sure. 我说我不能确定。
I'm sure Rita Mae will understand 我相信Rita Mae会理解
and wait until you're ready to go back to work. 而且会等你准备好了才回去工作。
Well, maybe she will, and maybe she won't. 嗯,也许她会,也许她不会。
Who knows? 谁知道?
If I don't accept her offer, 假如我不接受她这个工作机会,
maybe she'll find someone else in the meantime, 她也许会在这段时间找别的人,
and when I'm ready to go back, 而当我准备好要回去,
there won't be a job for me. 已经没有空缺了。
That's something to consider. 这是需要考虑的一点。
You've got yourself to think about, too. 你也得为自己着想。
But I am thinking about myself. 但我就是在为自己着想呀。
Don't you see? 你不知道吗?
What do you mean? 是什么意思?
It's not just the job. 不只是那项工作而已。
It's also my career as Max's mother. 当Max的母亲也是我的职业。
That's the way I look at it. 我就是这么看这件事的。
I have two career opportunities at the same time. 我同时有两个事业机会。
My career as a fashion designer 时装设计事业
and my career as a mother. 和担任Max母亲的事业。
I never really thought about being a mother as a career. 我真的从来没有想到做母亲还是一种事业。
I guess you do have two career opportunities 我想你的确是有两个事业机会
and a decision to make. 而且必须做一个抉择。
I hear Max. 我听到Max哭了。
I'll go to him. 我去。
No, that's OK. 不,没关系。
I'll do it. 我去。

I've been wrestling with the question of
whether I go back to work or not.
I'm wrestling with the question.
I can't make up my mind.
I'm in a fog. I'm up in the air.
I'm really in a bind.
I can't make my mind up.
I feel I'm split in two.
I'm pulled in two directions.
I don't know what to do.
I've got to get my act together.
I've got to get it all figured out.
I've got to get on the right track,
get rid of all the doubt.
I've got to straighten everything out.
I want to try something new.
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know what to do.
And I'm torn.
I really want to go back to work.
I'm really torn.
I'm all mixed up.
My future is unclear.
I'm pulled in two directions.
I'm practically in tears.
I'm of two minds about it.
I've got to think it all through.
I've got to find an answer,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I've got to get my act together.
I've got to get it all figured out.
I've got to get on the right track,
get rid of all the doubt.
I've got to straighten everything out.
And you know it's true,
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know ...


There's your teddy bear, Max. 这是你的玩具熊,Max。
He just loves that teddy bear 他就喜欢这个玩具熊
that Grandpa Philip bought for him. 祖父Philip给他买的。
I took him to Philip's office yesterday for a checkup. 我昨天带他到Philip的办公室去做检查。
You should have seen the look on his face 真该看看他脸上的表情
when Molly gave him the injection. 当Molly给他打针时。
Oh, did he cry? 噢,他哭了吗?
No. 没有。
My dear little boy just looked up at me as if to say, 我亲爱的小男孩只是仰头看着我好像在说
"Mama, what are they doing to me? Help!" “妈妈,他们在对我做什么?救命呀!”
How did you feel? 感觉怎么样?
Tell the truth. 告诉我实话。
Didn't you feel terrible? 没有感到可怕吗?
I sure did. 我的确有。
I held him closely. 我紧紧地抱着他。
I kissed the top of his dear little head. 我吻着他可爱的小头顶。
He looked up at me. 他仰头看我。
He tried to smile. 他设法要微笑。
Being with him helped. 和他在一起有帮助。
Helped him? 帮助他?
Or helped you? 还是帮助你?
Being a mother is not easy, 当一个母亲真不容易,
if that's what you mean. 是这个意思吧。
Speaking of being a mother, 谈到当母亲
I've been meaning to ask you 我一直想问
what you were thinking about regarding going back to work. 你是否打算回去工作。
I know Rita Mae called. 我知道Rita Mae打电话给你了。
I can imagine what is going through your head. 我能想像你的头脑正在考虑什么事。
I'm sure you can, Ellen. 说的没错,Ellen。
There are so many things to consider. 是有许多事情要考虑。
One thing that makes it easier for you 有一件事可以使做起决定来比较容易
is that you have us. 就是有我们帮忙。
Max will always have a family member to watch over him 家里总会有一个人照顾Max
while you're at work. 在你工作的时候。
I didn't have that when Richard and Susan were born. 在Richard和Susan出生时我可没有人帮忙。
What did you do? 那你怎么办呢?
I chose to continue with my career as a music teacher. 我选择继续我的音乐教师的事业。
We hired a woman to watch Richard and then Susan, 我们雇用一名女士来照顾Richard 后来又照顾Susan,
and I continued with my career. 而我则继续我的事业。
Do you think you made the right decision? 你认为你的决定正确吗?
I think I did. 我想是的。
But when Robbie was born, 但当Robbie出生后,
I decided to give full-time attention to raising Robbie. 我决定全力抚育他。
I felt differently at that time. 那时我的感觉又不一样了。
And you gave up your career as a music teacher? 那么你就放弃了音乐教师的事业?
Not exactly. 不完全。
I continued to teach piano lessons at home. 我继续在家教钢琴。
How did you feel about being away 对出外工作有何感想
when Susan and Richard were babies? 当Richard和Susan还很小时 ?
I think I did the right thing 我觉得我做了一件对的事
for them and for myself and for Philip. 为他们也为我自己和Philip。
We needed the money. 我们当时需要钱。
Remember? 记得吗?
Well, we do too, Ellen. 嗯,我们也需要,Ellen。
Everything I earn helps us towards getting that house 我的每一笔进帐都可帮助我们得到那幢房
we want and need. 我们盼望而且也需要的。
I can't wait till he's just a little older. 我迫不及待地希望他长大些。
Our toy company makes the most wonderful toys for kids. 我们玩具公司为小孩子们造最棒的玩具。
Max thanks you. Max,谢谢你。
I thank you. 我也感谢你。
And Richard thanks you. Richard也会感谢你。
Now may I please say hello? 现在我可以说声你好吗?
Hello. 你好。
Hello. 你好。
I miss Max and think about him all week long. 我想念Max一整个星期都在想他。
We talk about him at dinnertime. 我们吃晚餐时总谈起他。
Will you please try to relax? 能不能放轻松些?
I've never seen you so wound up. 我从来没有看过你如此紧张。
You seem to be enjoying the pressure. 看起来好像很乐于承受压力。
The truth is, I am. 事实上,我的确如此。
My job is not an easy one, 我的工作不轻,
but I really enjoy it. 但我确实乐在工作。
That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Susan. 这正是我想要跟你谈谈的,Susan 。
What's the problem? 什么问题啦?
Marilyn's career. Marilyn的事业。
Well, my choice of careers. 是的,我的事业抉择问题。
Choice? 抉择?
My career as a fashion designer 我以时装设计为事业
versus my career as a mother. 或是以当个母亲为事业。
Why does it have to be one or the other? 为什么非得有这个就没有那个?
That's what I said. 我也是这么说。
How's that? 那怎么成呢?
Why can't you do both? 为什么不能两样一起?
She's right. 她说得对。
Both? 一起?
Well, that's what I do. 是啊,我正是这么做的。
I have a job, and I have Michelle. 我有工作,我也有Michelle。
I take care of both to the best of my ability. 我尽我所能把两方面都照顾好。
It's not easy, but what is? 这不容易,但什么事又容易?
And that's what I did. 我也这样做的。
I did both with Richard and Susan, 有Richard和Susan时我这样,
and I did both with Robbie. 有Robbie时我也这样做的。
I thought you stayed home with Robbie? 我还以为你是跟Robbie呆在家里的?
I did. 是的。
But I was lucky enough to have a career as a music teacher 但我很幸运拥有一个音乐教师的事业
which I could continue at home. 可以在家中继续从事。
Why can't you work at home, Marilyn? 为什么不能在家中工作呢, Marilyn?
You're very talented. 你非常有才华。
Designing dresses is a career 设计时装是一种职业
you could establish out of your home, 可以在家中开创,
couldn't you? 不是吗?
I don't know why I didn't think of it. 我不知道为什么我没有想到这一点。
It seems so simple now. 现在事情显得很简单了。
For a year or two 在一两年内
I could stay at home with Max and do my dress designs. 我可以和Max呆在家里从事我的服装设计。
And you could make your dresses at home. 可以在家做衣服。
Sounds like a great way to solve the problem. 听起来好像是个解决问题的好办法。
That could solve your problem, Marilyn. 这样可以解决你的问题, Marilyn。
I'm going to call Rita Mae at home 我会打电话到Rita Mae家
and ask her to come by and talk about it. 请她过来谈谈这件事。
She wants to see Max, anyway. 毕竟她也想看Max。
I think that really answers your questions, Marilyn. 我觉得这确实解决了你的问题, Marilyn。
You can do it. 你可以这样做。
Do your designs at home--here. 在家里设计服装。
And let Rita Mae do the selling at the boutique. 而让Rita Mae在时装店负责销售。
And you can both benefit financially. 你们俩都获得金钱上的利益。
I'm going to call Rita Mae right now. 我现在就打电话给Rita Mae。
Oh, Susan, thank you so much 噢, Susan, 谢谢你。
for coming all this way from the city to talk to me about it. 从城里大老远赶来和我谈这件事。
I hope you don't mind 希望你不介意
having taken so much time away from your busy schedule. 我在你忙碌的生活中用了这么多时间。
Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?
I don't mind at all. 我一点也不介意。
As a matter of fact, 事实上,
I came to spend some time with my favorite nephew. 我来是为了和我心爱的侄儿相聚一些时间。
I think you should call Rita Mae right now. 我想你现在就打电话给Rita Mae。
I think your idea of working at home is perfect. 我觉得你在家里工作的主意太好了。
I don't know what I would do without you. 我真不知道没有你们我怎么办。
I'm lucky to have you all. 我真的觉得拥有你们很幸运。
We are lucky to have you, Marilyn. 拥有你是我们的幸运, Marilyn。
And so is Max. 也是Max的幸运。

Being a mother is not easy.
Being a mother is not easy.
It's not easy to be a mother.
Caring for a child takes a lot of time.
It takes a lot of time to care for a child.
But playing with a baby is so much fun.
It's so much fun.
It's so much fun to play with a baby.
And working at home would be wonderful.
It would be wonderful.
It would be wonderful to work at home.
I don't know what I would do without you.
I'm lucky to have you all.
It's great to be in this family.
It's great.
Being in this family is great.
It's always so easy for me to find someone who will listen.
It's always so easy for me.
Finding someone who will listen is always so easy for me.


Hi, big guy. 嗨,好小子。
That must be Rita Mae. 那一定是Rita Mae。
She sure got here quickly. 她来得真快。
That's a good sign. 这是个好兆头。
She must like you and your work, Marilyn. 她一定是喜欢你和你的工作,Marilyn。
I think she's just anxious to see Max. 我觉得她只是急着想看看Max。
She loves children. 她喜欢孩子。
Hi, Marilyn. 嗨, Marilyn。
Welcome. 欢迎。
It's so nice of you to come. 你能来真好。
Oh, I just wanted to see your baby, Max. 噢,我只是想看看你的宝贝,Max。
Hello, Rita Mae. 哈, Rita Mae。
I haven't seen you since the hospital. 自从医院相遇之后再也没有见到你。
I'm Ellen Stewart, Marilyn's mother-in-law. 我叫Ellen Stewart, Marilyn的婆婆。
We met at the hospital. 我们在医院见过。
Hello. 哈。
How are you? 好吗?
I remember. 我记起来啦。
How are you? 好吗?
Oh, and there is Max! 噢 ,Max在那儿!
Oh! My, how he's grown! 噢 !天啊 ,他长这么大 !
A little present for Max.   给Max的一件小礼物。
Oh, it's beautiful, Rita Mae! 噢,太漂亮了, Rita Mae !
You shouldn't have. 不该这样破费的。
It's nothing. 没什么。
It's just a little present for Max. 这仅仅是给Max的一件小礼物。
Can I get you some coffee or tea or a cold drink, Rita Mae? 要咖啡,茶或者冷饮吗,Rita Mae?
Oh, nothing, thank you. 噢,什么也不要, 谢谢你。
Well, I will leave you two to talk. 嗯,我走开你们谈谈吧。
Come on, you big guy. 过来, 你这个好小子。
Yes, come on. 是的, 过来。
That's it. 就这样。
It's nice seeing you. 非常高兴见到你。
Let me know if you need anything. 假如你需要什么就通知我。
Thanks, Ellen. 谢谢, Ellen。
Thanks, Ellen. 谢谢, Ellen。
OK, Marilyn. 好了, Marilyn。
You sounded like you've made a decision 你好像已经作了决定
when you called me. 当你打电话给我的时候。
I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭听。
I have made a decision, Rita Mae. 我已经做了决定,Rita Mae。
I've decided to stay at home and be a full-time mother. 我决定留在家里做一个专职母亲。
I'm disappointed, but I respect your decision. 我很失望, 但我尊重你的决定。
If I had a child as cute as Max, 假如我有一个像Max这样可爱的孩子,
I might do the same thing. 我也可能会做同样的决定。
But I haven't finished telling you 但我还没有对你说完
the other half of my decision. 我这个决定的另一半。
The other half? 另一半?
Yes. 是的。
I think I can stay at home 我觉得我可以呆在家里
and take care of Max and continue my career. 一面照顾孩子, 同时继续我的事业。
Sounds interesting. 听起来很有趣。
Let me hear it. 说给我听听。
Do you remember 你记得
our talks about custom-designed dresses for the boutique? 我们曾经谈过为时装店设计订制的服装?
I sure do. 我当然记得。
Why can't I design dresses for you here at home? 为什么我不能在家里为你设计服装呢?
And make them here. 在这儿缝制。
Have the fittings here, too. 也在这儿试穿。
And I could do the selling and the pricing at the boutique. 而我在时装店负责销售和标价。
Exactly. 就是这样。
Oh! 噢!
What kind of dresses would you design? 打算设计哪种服装?
I've thought about that for some time. 我已经想过一阵子了。
Yes? 真的?
Wedding dresses. 结婚礼服。
Brilliant idea! 这个主意真棒!
There's a big market today in wedding dresses. 结婚礼服在目前有很大的市场。
That's what I thought. 我也是这样想的。
I like the idea very much. 我很喜欢这个主意。
And if it's successful, 假如成功的话,
we can expand to all kinds of dresses. 我们可以扩展到所有种类的服装。
That's what I thought. 我也正这样想。
As a matter of fact, 事实上,
I have a customer for your first wedding dress. 我已经有了你的第一套结婚礼服的顾客。
My niece is getting married, 我侄女即将结婚,
and I've been trying to find just the right thing for her. 而我一直在为她找件合适的东西。
Marilyn, you're going to design my niece's dress. Marilyn,现在就靠你设计我侄女的结婚礼服。
That'll be our first one, 这将成为我们的第一件,
and then we'll use it to sell others. 然后我们再利用它来销售其他的顾客。
Do you really mean it? 说的可是当真?
I really mean it. 当然是真的。
It's a simple idea, and it will work. 这主意很简单,而且一定可行。
You can certainly design dresses. 你确实很能设计服装。
I know that. 我知道。
And there's no reason why you can't do it from your home. 而且也没有理由不可以在家里做事。
I'm so excited! 我好兴奋!
I can't wait to tell Richard! 我简直迫不及待想告诉Richard!
If I had a baby like Max, 假如我有一个像Max这样的宝贝,
I'd want to stay home and be near him all the time, too. 我也要整天都在他身边。
You're making the right decision 你做了一个正确的决定。
for Max and for yourself too, Marilyn. 为Max,也为你自己, Marilyn。
It all sounds so easy. 一切听起来竟是如此简单。
Now the hard work begins. 艰苦的工作现在开始了。
Would you like 你想不想
to see some of my designs that I've been working on? 看我正在设计的一些服装?
I'd love to. 我想看。
Ooh! Oh, that's wonderful! 噢!噢,太好了!
Ooh ... 噢……

You can certainly design dresses,
I know that.
And there's no reason why you can't do it from your home.
It's true.
I can design wedding dresses and continue my career.
And I can take care of Max right here at home.
She can do it right here at home.
I want to stay at home while Max is still a baby.
If I went back to work at the boutique now,
Max would be on my mind all of the time.
She would only think about Max.
But the truth is, I need to work.
Richard and I want to buy a house but we can't afford it.
Like most families we need two incomes
in order to afford a house someday.
With the yard and trees and a swing for Max.
More an more families have working mothers.
In the U.S., more than half of all mothers
with preschool children are working at a career.
Mothers like me.
They have to work and be a mother too.
And about three fourths of all mothers
with school age children are working.
In lots of families,
relatives like grandparents offer to take care of children
while the parents are working.
And some families bring their children to day-care centers
where other people take care of them.
They stay in day-care centers while their mothers work.
But for now Max will stay here and I will take care of him.
Marilyn and Max will both be at home.
Marilyn will work and Max won't be alone.
级别: 论坛版主
24  发表于: 2004-05-08   
The Community Center 社区中心


Morning, Grandpa. 早安,爷爷。
Is something the matter, Grandpa? 怎么了,爷爷?
The editorial in this paper has my friend Nat Baker real upset. 这张报纸上的社论着实令我的朋友Nat Baker不高兴。
Ah! I'll read it to you. 啊!我来读给你听听。
"The old library building on Chestnut Street, “Chestnut街的老图书馆,
which has been vacant for over a year now, 已空了一年多,
was supposed to be made into a community center 原计划改成一座社区交谊中心
to serve the senior citizens 为Riverdale的老年人
as well as the younger people of Riverdale. 和年轻人服务。
Due to lack of funds 由于缺乏经费
for the repainting of the interior of the building 用来重新粉刷内部
and for the furniture needed, 和购买必需家具,
the plans for the community center 这项修建社区中心计划
have been postponed indefinitely." 被迫无限期延迟!”
He's coming over to talk about it. 他就是要来谈这个问题。
Is it that serious a problem, Grandpa? 这个问题有那么重要吗,爷爷?
It is. 是的。
Nat's not as lucky as I am, Robbie. Nat不像我这样幸运,Robbie。
He doesn't have any family with him. 他没有家人和他在一起。
He lives alone 他一个人生活
and depends on places like a community center 主要靠社区中心这样的地方
to be with people--people his own age. 和别人交往。
But there's the old community center on Elm Street. 但是在Elm街有一个旧的社区中心。
It's small, 它小小的,
and the problem is that it's set up primarily for kids to play. 而问题是它主要是让孩子们去玩的。
Ping-Pong tables, soda machines, and lots of music. 乒乓球,汽水贩卖机,热闹的音乐。
It's too noisy for some older people like Nat. 它对于像Nat这样的老人来说太吵了。
I never realized that. 我从来没有意识到这点。
It's hard for some older people to take all that noise. 一些老年人没法忍受那些噪音。
That's why the new community center is a good idea. 这就是为什么新的社区中心是个好主意。
Part of the building for older people, 建筑物中的一些由老年人用,
part of the building for younger people. 另一部分给年轻人用。
I see what you mean. 我明白你的意思。
That must be Nat. 一定是Nat。
It could be Alexandra. 可能是Alexandra 。
She's coming over this morning to help me with my math. 她今天早晨要来帮我补习数学。
Hi, Robbie. 嗨,Robbie。
Hi, Alexandra. Come on in. 嗨,Alexandra。请进。
Do you want something cold to drink? 想喝点什么凉的东西吗?
I'd love some cola, please. 请给我可乐。
Cola coming up. 可乐马上就来。
I really appreciate you coming over to help me with my math. 我真的很感谢你过来帮我补习数学。
My final exam is next Tuesday. 期终考试就在下周二。
You're so good in all your other subjects. 你别的功课都那样好。
I just can't understand 我就不懂
why you have so many problems with math. 为什么你在数学方面有那么多问题。
Hi, Alexandra. 嗨,Alexandra。
Hi, Mr. Stewart. 嗨,Stewart 先生。
I thought that was Nat Baker who rang the front doorbell. 我还以为是Nat Baker按大门铃呢。
Don't let me interrupt you. 别让我打搅你们。
No problem, Grandpa. 没有关系,爷爷。
We're just having some cola 我们只是先喝点可乐
before getting to the tough stuff--math. 在对付难缠的数学之前。
He'll do anything to avoid getting down to math lessons, 他老是设法想逃避数学,
Mr. Stewart. Stewart 先生。
I was the same way. 我当年也是这样。
Really, Grandpa? 真的,爷爷?
Really. I didn't like math. 真的。我不喜欢数学。
I wasn't good at it, and I didn't like studying it. 我不精于此道,也不爱去学它。
But you had to be good at math. 但是你数学一科很好。
You graduated from engineering school. 你是从工学院毕业的。
I was. But not in high school. 说的对。但高中时不好。
For some reason, I couldn't get a handle on it. 因为某些原因,我就是开不了窍。
Then, in college, I became good at it. 然而,在大学,我变得很精于数学。
Then there's hope for Robbie. 看来Robbie还有希望。
I can't wait. 我迫不及待。
You think I can just skip it now and get to it at college? 你想我现在略过数学,等到上了大学再学可以吗?
You'll never get to college to find out, Robbie, 你根本就进不了大学去探究这个问题的答案,Robbie,
if you skip it now. 假如你现在略过它的话。
That must be Nat. 这一定是Nat。
Sit down, Robbie. Let's get to work.   坐下来,Robbie, 让我们开始做功课吧。
I'd like you to meet my friend Nat Baker. 我来向你们介绍我的朋友Nat Baker。
This is Alexandra Pappas, and this is my grandson Robbie, 这是Alexandra Pappas,这是我孙子Robbie,
whom I think you've met once or twice before. 我想你以前见过他一两次面。
Nice to meet you, Mr. Baker. 很高兴见到你,Baker先生。
Hi, Mr. Baker. We met before. 嗨,Baker先生。我们以前见过面。
Where? 在哪?
In town. At the hardware store. 在镇上。在五金商店。
I remember now. Right. Hi. 我现在想起来了。对了。嗨。
Hello, Alexandra. 哈,Alexandra。
Don't let us keep you from your math tutoring, Robbie. 别让我们打扰你的数学家教,Robbie。
I know you want to get to it. 我知道你想要开始啦。
Stay ... stay. 再待一会儿…再一会儿。
I told you. He'll use any excuse to avoid math. 我说嘛,他就适且找各种藉口来逃避数学。
Did you read the story in the paper, Malcolm? 你看到报纸上的新闻了吗,Malcolm?
I did. 看到了。
It's a serious matter for a lot of us. 对我们许多人来讲这可是个严重的问题。
A serious matter. 一个严重的问题。
It is. Come on out to the patio. 的确如此。请到院子里来吧。
We'll talk about it out there. 我们到外头谈。
Thanks. Nice to meet you ... again. 谢谢。很高兴再次…见到你。
What's the problem? 是什么问题?
Come on! You'll hear about it. 来吧!你将听到。

You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
Sometimes you can find good news.
Sometimes the news is bad.
Sometimes the news makes you happy.
Sometmes it only makes you mad.
But if you want to be informed,
take my recommendation.
Go to a newsstand
and pick up a paper,
if you want information.
If you want to read the news ...
look in the paper.
If you want an opinion ...
look in the paper.
If you want to buy a house ...
look in the paper.
If you're looking for a job ...
look in the paper.
If you want to buy a car ...
look in the paper.
If you want to see a show ...
look in the paper.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
If you want to know the score ...
look in the paper.
If you want the weather forecast ...
look in the paper.
If you want to see the comics ...
look in the paper.
If you have money to invest ...
look in the paper.
If you want a recipe ...
look in the paper.
If you need a vacation ...
look in the paper.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.


There is a way, Malcolm. 有一个办法,Malcolm。
We get our friends to roll their sleeves up and get to work. 我们召集我们的朋友卷起袖子来做。
It's certainly a good idea. 这的确是个好主意。
If I could take a look at the place, 假如我能看看那个地方的话,
I could probably tell what it requires to fix it up. 我大致能说出修理它需要些什么。
How much paint, how many hours of work ... 多少油漆, 多少小时的工作量……
That's what I came to ask you to do, Malcolm. 这正是我来请你做的,Malcolm。
If you would supervise the refurbishing, 假如你能监督修理工作,
I'll find the people to help do it. 我可以找人来帮忙。
I'll help too, Mr. Baker. 我也要帮忙,Baker先生。
I can get some of my friends to go around the neighborhood 我可以叫我的朋友们在这社区
and collect the furniture we need. 募集我们需要的家具。
I'll help. 我也来帮忙。
Tomorrow. Yes. We'll meet tomorrow morning, right here. 明天。对。我们明天早晨会面,就在这儿。
Can we help? 我们可以帮忙吗?
I'd really like to. 我真的希望你们可以。
Sure. 当然。
We might need you to come through with your friends, Robbie. 我们也许需要你们多邀朋友来帮忙, Robbie。
Not just to go around the neighborhood asking for furniture, 不仅在这社区募集家具,
but to help with the paint job. 还要帮忙粉刷。
That's backbreaking work and may be too much for us. 这可是累人的工作,我们可能负荷不了。
I'll do it. I'll talk to them. 我来做。我去跟他们谈一谈。
And tomorrow morning we'll all meet here to discuss the plan? 是不是明天早上我们都聚到这儿来讨论整修计划?
Tomorrow morning it is. 确定是明天早上。
Come in, come in. Please, come in. 请进,请进。请进来。
I'd like you to meet my friend Malcolm Stewart. 我来为你介绍我的朋友Malcolm Stewart。
Malcolm, this is Joanne Thompson. Malcolm 这是Joanne Thompson 。
Hello, Joanne. Nice to meet you. 好, Joanne 。很高兴见到你。
My pleasure, Malcolm. 我也很荣幸,Malcolm。
And this is Abe Lucas. You must remember Abe. 这是Abe Lucas。你一定记得Abe。
He ran the drugstore 他经营药房
and used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends. 周末还经常在爵士乐队中击鼓。
Oh, sure I do. Hi, Abe. 噢,我当然记得。嗨,Abe。
Hello, Mr. Stewart. 哈, Stewart先生。
Malcolm, please. 请叫我Malcolm吧。
Hello, Malcolm. 哈, Malcolm。
Sit down, sit down. Have some coffee. 请坐, 请坐。喝点咖啡。
And I've got some delicious Danish pastry for you. 我为你们准备了一些可口的丹麦点心。
Where's your grandson Robbie and his friend Alexandra? 你的孙Robbie和他的朋友Alexandra呢?
Weren't they going to be here this morning? 他们不是今天早上要来这儿吗?
I thought so, too. 我也这样想。
I'm surprised they're not here. 我奇怪他们怎么没来。
Robbie left early this morning to meet Alexandra. Robbie早上很早出去接Alexandra。
Frankly, I thought they'd be here, but ... 老实说,我原以为他们会在这儿, 但……
It's OK. I'm sure they meant well, 没有关系。我可以肯定说他们是有心帮忙,
but they probably had other things on their minds. 但他们也许还有其他的事想要做。
I understand you used to be in the construction business, 听说你过去从事建筑业,
Malcolm. Malcolm。
I was, indeed. 的确如此。
I wonder if you would take a look at the old library 我不知道你是否可以看一看旧图书馆
and make sure that it is in good condition 确定它状况良好
so that we don't have to worry about any structural problems. 我们就可以不必担心任何结构上的问题。
When can I do that? I'd be happy to. 我什么时候可以去看? 我很乐意做这项工作。
We've got permission to go inside the old building 我们已获准进那栋老建筑物
during the week-- 在本周内---
Tuesday or Wednesday. 星期二或者星期三。
That's fine with me. I can do it either day. 对我来说时间适合。两天哪一天我都可以。
That would be very helpful. 你这样做帮忙很大。
I think the building just needs a good cleaning. 我想那座建筑只需要好好地打扫一下。
And a good paint job. 还需要好好的粉刷。
Then we have to furnish it. 然后我们还得加点摆设。
I wish Robbie and Alexandra had come to this meeting. 我真希望Robbie和Alexandra已经来参加开会。
They had some ideas about getting the place fixed up. 他们对于怎么修复这个地方有何构想。
Perhaps they'll show up. In the meantime, 也许他们会出现。在这等待期间,
let me give you some additional thoughts and ideas I have. 让我提出一些额外的想法。
OK. 好。
Go ahead, Joanne. 请讲吧, Joanne。
As I said, mostly the building just needs a good cleaning. 就像我先前所说,这栋建筑物大部份仅需要好好打扫一下。
This place can be developed 我们可以拓展这个地方
with one real intergenerational program. 用一套真正跨辈份的活动。
That's an idea I like. 我喜欢这样的创意。
A community center 一个社区中心
with the kinds of programs that fit everyone. 拥有适合任何人的活动。
And programs that don't leave anyone out. 而且是些不排除任何人的活动。
It's asking a lot. 那需要做许多操作。
But we can't do it without talking to the young people. 但我们不能在没跟年轻人谈谈的情况下就去做。
Finding out what they want. 得看看他们想要什么。
If only Robbie and Alexandra were here. 要是Robbie和Alexandra在这儿多好。
Don't be upset, Malcolm. 别懊恼了, Malcolm。
We'll have a chance to talk to them later. 我们以后还有机会跟他们谈。
It's not like Robbie. 这不像是Robbie的作为。
If he says he's going to be here, he's here. 假如他说他要来这儿, 他就一定会来。
I wonder what the problem is. 我不知道发生了什么问题。

I wonder what the problem is.
What's the problem?
What's the problem?
I wonder!
I wonder what the problem is.
Robbie and Alexandra aren't here!
Why not?
Where are they?
I don't know.
I don't know where they are.
Why didn't they come?
I don't understand.
I don't understand why they didn't come.
We need a new community center.
But we can't do it without talking to
the young people.
Finding out what they want.
What do the young people want?
We'd like to know.
We'd like to know what the young people want
in the new community center.
What does Robbie think about it?
We'd like to hear.
We'd like to hear what Robbie thinks about it.
But where did he go?
We don't know.
We don't know where he went.


Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late. 嗨,各位好。很抱歉我迟到了。
But Alexandra and I 但Alexandra和我
have been busy at work this morning 一早上都在忙事情
on the community-center project. 为社区中心的计划。
And we brought someone along who can help. 而且我们带来一些可以帮助我们的人。
You remember Charles Maxwell, Grandpa? 你记得Charles Maxwell吗, 爷爷?
He's the editor of the Riverdale paper. 他是Riverdale报的编辑。
He wrote some nice articles on Mom 他写了一些介绍妈妈的好文章
when she was running for the school board. 在妈妈竞选校联合会董事席位时。
Yes, I remember. You were a great help. 是的,我记得。你帮了个大忙。
Hi, Mr. Stewart. 嗨, Stewart先生。
Hope to be a bigger help on the new community-center project. 希望能在新社区计划这件事上提供更大的帮助。
From what Robbie and Alexandra have told me, 从Robbie和Alexandra告诉我的情况看来,
you people are making one big story. 你们正在制造一件大新闻。
Let me introduce you, Mr. Maxwell. 让我给你介绍一下,Maxwell先生。
This is Nat Baker, 这是Nat Baker,
who's responsible for this meeting, 他是这个会议的负责人,
and this is Joanne Thompson--and Abe Lucas, 这是Joanne Thompson----还有Abe Lucas,
who used to run the drugstore in town. 他过去在镇上经营药房。
Robbie and Alexandra told me   Robbie和Alexandra告诉我
what you need to fix up the old library. 你们修复旧图书馆所需要的东西。
I am planning to write an editorial that I think will help you. 我计划写一篇报道我认为应该能帮助你们。
Let's go. What are your questions? 我就进行吧。你们有哪些问题?
OK. Now, I have ... first ... a couple of questions here. 好,现在, 我有……第一……几个问题。
Have you talked to the community council? 你们跟社区的议会谈过了吗?
And have you had an engineer come in to do an inspection? 你们可有一个工程师来做过检查吗?
OK, what do you need most of all? 好,你们最需要的是什么?
People power. 人力。
Men and women, young and old, to give us their time. 不管男女老幼,请他们贡献时间。
To do what? 做什么呢?
To help scrub the building interior clean. 帮忙把建筑的内部擦洗干净。
So that we can repaint it. 好让我们可以粉刷。
And you also need bodies to do repainting? 你们也需要人来重新粉刷吗?
That's right. 是的。
And we'll also need some ladders 而且我们还需要一些梯子
and some brushes and some paint. 刷子和油漆。
When do you need the volunteers, 你们什么时候需要义工,
and where do they report? 他们去哪儿报到?
I've got the council to agree 我已说服议会
to open the building for us on the next four weekends. 在往后四个周开放那座建筑。
How about furnishings? 家具摆设怎么办?
Are there any special requirements that I should list in the paper?有什么特别的要求要我列在报纸上的?
Yes. 是的。
Here is a copy of all the things we need to start with. 这是我们一开始需要的所有东西的清单。
Let's see. Four desks. 我来看看。四张桌子。
Eight straight-back chairs. Thirty folding chairs. 八张直背椅。三十张折椅。
Six table lamps. Three end tables. One piano. 六盏灯。三张茶几。一架钢琴。
This is a good start. 这是一个好的开始。
These items shouldn't be difficult to come by 这些东西应该是不难弄到的
once I print the article in the paper. 等我将这篇文张刊登在报纸上。
This community has always been very generous. 这个社区一向是非常慷慨的。
I agree, Mr. Maxwell. 我有同感, Maxwell先生。
What you're saying is, in order for this center to succeed, 你刚才所说的是为了使中心能成功,
we need to put together volunteers 我们需要募集志愿者
from the various generations of future users. 从不同辈份的使用者中。
That's right. 是的。
And without their energy and stamina, 没有他们的体力和耐力,
there's no way we can complete this project. 我们无法完成这项计划。
I've got it. Now give me some information about 我知道了。现在告诉我
how you see the building being used. 你们计划如何使用这栋建筑。
Oh, here. On the ground floor we have the reception area ... 噢,看这个。在底层我们会有一个接待区……
It's here, Robbie. 就在这,Robbie。
Charles Maxwell lived up to his word. Charles Maxwell 兑现了他的诺言。
"At the Stewart family home on Linden Street yesterday, “昨天在Linden街Stewart的家中,
a group of caring Riverdale citizens gathered 一群热心公益活动的Riverdale的居民聚集在一起
to plan the refurbishing of the old library 计划重新整修旧图书馆
to transform it into a new community center. 将它转变成一个新的社区中心。
The original plan by the council 议会原有的计划
was tabled because of lack of funds. 因为缺乏经费而无限期地搁置。
The new plan needs you. 这项新计划需要你的协助。
You could call it a community unity plan. 你可以称它为社区团结计划。
It needs your time, and it needs your energy. 它需要你的时间,需要你的力气。
And it needs your contributions of furniture, 而且也需要贡献你的家具,
paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera. 油漆,刷子,梯子,灯等等。
A list of these items and a volunteer form 这些物品的清单和义工申请表格
can be picked up at the Riverdale Press offices. 可以到Riverdale Press各办事处索取。
By working together, 透过共同工作,
this community can do anything to benefit its citizens, 这个社区可做任何造福居民的事情,
and we know you will all work together 我们相信各位会共同出力
towards refurbishing the old library 去重新整修老图书馆
and making it a new community center. 使它成为一个新的社区中心。
Charles Maxwell, Editor." 编辑,Charles Maxwell。”

OK, what do you need most of all?
People power.
Men and women, young and old,
to give us their time.
Pitch in, help out, volunteer!
Give your time, join in, lend a hand!
Pitch in, take part, we need you here!
We can do it with your help, yes we can!
We'll solve our problems one by one.
If we all work together, we'll get the job done.
Pitch in, help out, volunteer!
Roll up your sleeves, take part,
we need you here!
What you're saying is,
in order for this center to succeed,
we need to put together volunteers
from various generations of future users.
Pithc in, help out, volunteer!
Give your time, join in, lend a hand!
Pitch in, take part, we need you here!
We can do it with your help, yes we can!
级别: 论坛版主
25  发表于: 2004-05-08   
Parting Friends 饯行聚会


Hi, Mom. 嗨, 妈妈。
Hi, Robbie. 嗨,Robbie。
You're home from school early. 你今天从学校回来得很早。
Yeah, they're getting the assembly hall 是啊,他们在布置大礼堂
ready for the graduation ceremony, 为毕业典礼做准备,
so we all got to go home early. 所以我们都非得早回家不可。
Too noisy to study. 太吵了书看不下去。
Well, now that you're here, 嗯,既然你回来了,
you can help me with dinner. 你就来帮我准备晚餐。
I need those potatoes peeled and sliced. 那些马铃薯需要剥皮切片。
Mom, give me a break. 妈,让我喘口气。
Alexandra's coming over to help me   Alexandra就要来帮我
study for my math final. 温习数学准备期末考试。
Well, in that case, 嗯,既然这样,
you can wash the dishes and clean up after dinner. 你就在晚餐后洗盘子,收拾桌子。
Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner? 我可以请Alexandra留下来吃晚餐吗?
Of course. 当然可以。
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈。
You and Alexandra 你和Alexandra
have become good friends, haven't you? 成了好朋友,不是吗?
Yes. I like her. 是的,我喜欢她。
She's a terrific person. 她人很好。
I'm going to miss her 我会想念她
when she goes back to Greece. 当她回去希腊时。
Would you like to give her a little farewell party? 你要不要为她举行一个饯行派对?
Mom, that would be terrific! 那太棒了,妈!
Maybe we could make it a surprise. 也许我们可以让它变成一个惊喜。
Oh, I don't know. 噢,这个我就不知道了。
Surprise parties don't always work out. 惊喜派对不是每次都能成功的。
Well, we could tell her 嗯,我们可以告诉她
it's a graduation party for me. 这是为我毕业所办的派对。
When Alexandra arrives, 等Alexandra到达时,
we'll surprise her. 我们再让她惊喜一下。
Well, I suppose that might work. 嗯,我想这样或许可以奏效。
I'd like to give her a nice going-away present. 我很想送给她一件好的离别礼物。
Fine. 好啊。
There's only one problem. 只有一个问题。
What's that? 什么问题?
I'm broke. 我身无分文。
I should have saved some money. 我早该存些钱。
I'm sure Alexandra 我相信Alexandra
would be happy with something simple, Robbie. 会欣然接受简单的东西, Robbie。
I know. 我知道。
But, well, 但是,嗯,
I'd like to give her something nice 我想给她一件精美的礼物
to remember me by. 让她看到东西就想到我。
Maybe I could borrow some money from you and Dad. 也许你从你爸爸那儿可以借点钱。
It's all right with me 我没有问题
if it's all right with your dad. 假如你爸爸答应的话。
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈。
I'll talk to him. 我会去跟他谈谈。
Is he still in his office? 他还在办公室吗?
I think so. 我想是的。
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈。
Robbie! Good luck! Robbie! 祝你好运!
Here are the X-rays you wanted, Dr. Stewart. 这是你要的X光片, Stewart医师。
Oh. Thank you, Molly. 噢, 谢谢你, Molly。
Now, let me check them. 现在,让我来看一看。
What do you think? 你看怎么样?
I don't see any breaks or fractures. 我看不出有任何破裂或骨折。
Well, well. Thank you, Molly. 还好,还好。谢谢你,Molly。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Come in! 进来!
Hi, Son. 嗨,儿子。
Hi, Dad. Am I interrupting you? 嗨,爸爸。我打搅了你?
No, no, no, no. 不,不,不,不。
What's up? 什么事?
Can we talk? 我们能谈谈吗?”
Sure. 当然可以。
I need some help. 我需要帮助。
Well, that's what fathers are for. 嗯,父亲们的功用正在于此。
Well, before I go to college, 嗯,在我进大学之前,
I have the whole summer ... 我有一整个暑假可以用……
Yes ... 对呀……
And I'm planning to get a job for the summer. 我想在暑假打工。
And what sort of job? 哪一类的工作?
I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool. 我申请了社区游泳池当救生员工作。
Sounds pretty good. 听起来不错。
Yes. I'll be earning pretty good money if I get it. 是的。假如我得到这份工作的话我可以赚不少钱。
But right now, I'm kind of short of cash. 但现在,我手头很紧。
Who isn't? 有谁不紧?
And my friend Alexandra is going back to Greece ... 我的朋友Alexandra就要回希腊去了…
Nice girl. 好女孩。
We'll all miss her. 我们都会想念她的。
Mom says we can give her a going-away surprise party. 妈妈说我们可以给她举行一个让她惊喜的欢送派对。
Good idea. 好主意。
And I'd like to get her a nice gift ... 我还想给她一份精美的礼物……
What'd you have in mind? 你心里有什么计划?
Well, a wristwatch, 嗯,一个手表,
so she'll think of me when she looks at the time. 这样当她看时间的时候想起我。
Nothing flashy or expensive. 不是什么俗丽的或贵的。
Something simple--but a good one. 要简单的---但要精采。
Sounds fine, Robbie. 听起来不错, Robbie。
Well, I saw a nice watch. 嗯, 我已看中了一个不错的手表。
But I'll need a loan. 但我需要借钱。
If you could lend me the money, 假如你能借钱给我的,
I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary. 我可以从我当救生员的收入拿出来还你。
Well, I guess your mother and I can manage it. 嗯,我想你妈和我可以设法帮这个忙。
When do you need the money? 你什么时候需要钱?
Would tomorrow be OK? 明天可以吗?
You've got it. 没问题。
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢, 爸爸。
My pleasure, Son. 不客气, 儿子。
Oh, and, Robbie ... 噢, 还有, Robbie…
Yes? 什么?
You'll probably want the family car 你也许需要用家里的车
so you can drive her home after the party. 在派对结束后送她回家。
Could I? 我可以用吗?
If you drive carefully. 只要你小心驾驶。
I will. Thanks, Dad. 我会小心的。谢谢你,爸爸。
My pleasure. 不客气。
You're OK, Dad. 你很好, 爸爸。
You're not so bad yourself, Son. 你自己也不错, 儿子。

I'd like to give her a nice going-away present.
Robbie wants to buy a gift for Alexandra.
But he doesn't have enough money.
I should have saved some money.
He should have saved some money.
He should have saved some money.
But he didn't do it.
He should have put some money in the bank.
He should have put some money in the bank.
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
Alexandra's coming over to help me,
study for my math final.
Robbie's gonna take a test in math,
but it's hard for him.
He's gonna study today.
But he didn't study yesterday.
He should have studied yesterday.
He should have studied yesterday.
But he didn't do it.
He should have looked in the book.
He should have looked in the book.
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
You and Alexandra
have become good friends, haven't you?
Yes, I like her. She's a terrific person.
I'm going to miss her
when she goes back to Greece.
Robbie never told her that he would miss her
when she goes back home.
Do you think she knows how he feels?
He never told her before.
He should have told her.
He should have told her.
But he didn't do it.
He should have said, "I'll miss you."
He should have said, "I'll miss you."
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
Wait, Robbie, you forgot
to put the milk back in the refrigerator.
He shouldn't have left the milk out.
He shouldn't have left the milk out.
But he did it.
He did it.
He should have saved some money.
He should have studied yesterday.
He should have told her.
But he didn't do it.
And he shouldn't have left the milk out.


You ready for the next problem? 你准备好做下一道题吗?
You know what? 知道吗?
I can't look at another number. 我简直一个数字也看不进去了。
How about a lemonade break? 休息一下喝点柠檬水?
Sure. 当然可以。
Oh, by the way, 噢,顺便问一下
when is your plane reservation for your flight to Athens? 飞Athens订的是什么时候的班机?
Sunday. Why? 星期天。为什么问这?
Would you be able to come over Saturday night? 星期六晚上能过来吗?
Yes. 能。
I should be finished packing by then. 到那时候我应该已经照理好行李了。
My folks are giving me a little graduation party. 我的亲人要为我办一个小小的毕业派对。
Terrific! 太棒了!
I'll pick you up. 我去接你。
That isn't necessary. 这倒不必。
My dad's letting me borrow the car. 我爸爸借我用汽车。
Oh, well, that would be very nice. 噢,好吧, 那倒很好。
About eight o'clock? 差不多八点钟好吗?
Eight o'clock is fine. 八点钟可以。
Great! It's a date. 太好了! 就说定了。
Who's going to be there? 有谁要参加?
Just my friend Mike and a few kids from school. 只有我的朋友Mike和一些学校的几个伙伴。
I'm going to miss all of you. 我会想念你们大家的。
You've been like a second family to me. 你们就像我的第二个家庭一样。
We're going to miss you. 我们也会想念你的。
Maybe you could come to visit me in Greece? 也许你可以到希腊来玩?
I'm counting on it. 我有这种打算。
Wonderful! 太棒了!
Are you excited about graduating from high school? 你从高中毕业会不会感到很兴奋呢?
Sure ... and a little scared. 当然……还有一点紧张。
Scared? Why? 紧张? 为什么?
Aren't you a little scared? 你不会感到有点紧张?
I was when I first came to the United States. 当我刚到美国来的时候是感到有点紧张。
I'd never been away from home, 我从来没有离开过家,
and I didn't know what it would be like. 而且我也不知道会是怎么一个样子。
But then I found out that people are the same everywhere 但是后来我发现哪儿的人都是一样的
once you get to know them. 一旦认识了周围的人以后。
I'm glad I got to know you. 我很高兴能够认识
Thank you. 谢谢你。
I'm glad I got to know you--and your family. 我也很高兴能够认识你和你的一家人。
Wouldn't it be nice if we could skip the examinations 要是我们可以略过考试那岂不是很好
and get right to the graduation party? 直接就是毕业派对?
It would be very nice. 那当然是很好。
But that isn't the way it works. 但是现实不是如此。
So ... back to work. 因此……用功吧。
Good night, Robbie. 晚安,Robbie。
Good night, Mrs. Stewart. 晚安, Stewart太太。
Thank you for dinner. 谢谢你的晚餐。
Good night, Alexandra. 晚安,Alexandra。
Will you be all right? 不会有问题吧?
Yes. The Molinas are waiting for me. 不会。Molina一家人正等着我呢。
Good night, Alexandra. 晚安, Alexandra。
I'll pick you up on Saturday night, OK? 我星期六晚上去接你,好吗?
Yes. 好的。
Eight o'clock. 八点钟。
I have to run. 我得赶紧走了。
Good night, Robbie. 晚安,Robbie。
She's really a good friend, isn't she? 她真是个好朋友,不是吗?
Yeah. 是的。
You are going to miss her. 你会想念她的。
Am I going to miss her? 我会想念她吗?
That's what I said! 我正是这么说的!
You are going to miss her! 你会想念她的!
I'm going to miss her, 我会想念她,
and my math teacher's going to miss her. 而我的数学老师也会想念她。
Well, you can write to her. 嗯,你可以写信给她。
It's not the same. 那可不一样。
How does that look, Rob? 看起来怎么样,Rob?
Great! Pass me the hammer. 很好!把钉子给我。
You got it! 给你啦!
You're sure Alexandra's going to be surprised? 你确定Alexandra会很惊讶?
Absolutely. 绝对。
She has no idea that the party is in her honor. 她不知道这个派对是为她办的。
Millie, did you bring the tapes for dancing? Millie 带来了跳舞的录音带吗?
They're in my bag. 在我袋子里。
What did you bring? 带的什么带子?
Some rock 'n' roll. 一些摇滚乐。
Perfect! Alexandra will love it! 太好了! Alexandra会喜欢的!
I can't wait to see her face when she walks in here tonight. 我迫不及待想看到她吃惊时脸上的表情。
What about the cake? 蛋糕怎么样?
My mom's decorating it right now. 我妈妈正在淋奶油。
Robbie, there's a phone call for you. Robbie,有你的电话。
It's Alexandra. 是Alexandra。
She sounds upset. 她听起来有点不对劲。
OK. 好。
Thanks, Mom. 妈,谢谢。
I'll take it in there. 我在那儿接。
Hi, Alexandra. 嗨,Alexandra。
What? You what? 什么? 你怎样?
Oh no! 噢,糟糕!

Wouldn't it be nice
if we could skip the examinations
and get right to the graduation party?
Attention please,
there will be no exams this year.
If they really canceled the exams,
Robbie would give his big graduation party today.
And if the big party was today,
I mean if the big party were today,
he would tell all his friends about it.
And if all his friends came to the big party,
Robbie would shop for lots of food.
He would buy all the food
for the big party
if he went shopping in the supermarket.
Ice cream, soda, candy and cake.
Everyone would have a great time
at Robbie's big party
if he bought all that food.
Hey Robbie,
you sure know how to throw a party.
This is great food.
But wait. What happened to the music?
If Robbie played some more music,
everyone could be dancing
and having fun at the big party.
Oh no, no music.
It's boring.
What do we do?
And if the big party wasn't much fun.
Well, if the big party
weren't much fun anymore,
everyone might go home.
See you, Robbie.
Let me try.
But no music?
Let's leave.
And if everyone left the big party,
Robbie would be alone.
Attention please. Exams will be given tomorrow.
Well, Robbie, the party's over.
It would be great
if the exams were really canceled.
But they're not.
So study, Robbie, study.
Ohhh, look at the book.
Study, Robbie, study.
Yaaa, Robbie.
Study, Robbie, study.


How about some music? 来点音乐怎么样?
No, let's wait till Robbie gets back from the airport. 不要。我们等Robbie从机场回来吧。
Did she say why she had to leave today? 她说了她为什么今天非离开不可吗?
She told Robbie that her flight tomorrow was canceled, 她告诉Robbie说,她明天的班机取消了,
so she had to take an earlier flight today. 所以她不得不乘今天早一班的班机。
This is terrible. 真是太糟了。
Well, that must be him. 噢,一定是他。
Why is he blowing his horn like that? 为什么他这样子按喇叭?
I don't know. 我不知道。
Maybe he's angry. 也许他在生气。
Do you think we should take down the decorations? 你觉得我们应当取掉这些装饰品吗?
They'll just make him sad. 那些只会让他悲伤。
Too late now. 现在太迟了。
We should have done it sooner. 我们早就该取下来的。
Oh, here he comes. 噢,他来了。
Hi. 嗨。
How'd it go? 怎么样啦?
OK, I guess. 我想还好吧。
Especially when Alexandra gave me a surprise ... 特别是Alexandra给了我一个惊喜……
Yeah? What was it? 是吗?是什么惊喜?
This! 这个!
Alexandra! Alexandra!
Hi! What happened? 嗨!怎么回事?
I called my parents from the airport. 我从机场打电话给我父亲。
When I told them 当我告诉他们
my friends were giving me a party, 我的朋友们为我举办了一个派对时,
they insisted that I stay. 他们坚持要我留下来。
So now I'm taking a flight on Monday instead. 所以我现在要改搭星期一的班机走。
That's great! Terrific! 那太好了!太棒了!
But how did you know the party was for you? 但是你怎么知道派对是为你举办的呢?
Well, Robbie told me when he gave me this. 嗯,当Robbie送给我这个的时候他告诉了我。
Oh, it's so pretty! 噢,它好漂亮!
It's lovely, Robbie. 它非常可爱,Robbie。
All right! 好啦!
Now we can really start the party! 现在我们可以真正开始舞会了!
No. Would you mind? 不。你们不介意吧?
I'd like to say something first. 我想先说几句话。
Hear, hear! 我们洗耳恭听!
I would just like to thank all of you, 我只是想谢谢你们大家,
my friends, 我的朋友们,
who have made my stay in the United States so wonderful. 是你们使得我在美国的生活如此多采多姿。
And to Robbie and the Stewart family 而且感谢Robbie和Stewart全家
for opening their home to me. 为我敞开大门。
We should thank you. 我们应当感谢你。
You're a real friend! 你是个真正的朋友!
You're a real friend! 你是个真正的朋友!
And I also have a little surprise for you, Robbie. 我也有一个小小的惊喜给你,Robbie。
A little going-away present. 一个小小的临别礼物。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Open it, please. 请打开看看。
I think you might be amused. 我想你可能会觉得有点迷惑。
OK. I can't believe it! 好的。我简直无法相信!
I guess we were thinking the same thought. 我想我们的心意相同。
You had it engraved! 在上面刻了字!
Read it, Robbie. 读出来,Robbie。
"In friendship, always. Alexandra." “友情永不渝,Alexandra。”
I knew we thought alike, 我知道我们心意相同,
but this is too much! 但是这太令人难以置信!
Thank you. 谢谢 。
All right! 好了!
Let's have some music! 我们来点音乐吧!
Miss Pappas? Pappas小姐?
Mr. Stewart ... Stewart先生……
Mrs. Stewart, may I have this dance? Stewart太太,我可以请你跳这支舞吗?
My pleasure, Doctor. 非常荣幸, 医生。

You've become my friend,
though I haven't known you very long.
You've always made me feel so right at home.
You've become my friend.
I can always be myself with you,
and when I think of you, I'm not alone.
You've become my friend.
You were always there when I needed you.
Never had to ask for anything.
You were there to help me through.
I'll remember all the times,
that we spent together having fun.
I won't forget a moment that we shared.
I won't forget your smile,
won't forget the way you made me laugh,
the things you did to show me that you care.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you.
It's hard to say good-bye 'cause you're my friend.
I'm gonna miss you.
Yes, I'm gonna miss you.
But sometime in the future--
we don't know where or when--
we'll be saying "hello" again.
级别: 论坛版主
26  发表于: 2004-05-08   
Country Music 乡间之音


Hot dogs. I love hot dogs. 热狗。我喜欢热狗。
There is nothing better than a hot dog in the country. 在美国乡村没有比热狗更好的东西了。
Hot dogs and mustard. 热狗和芥末。
Cooked outdoors over an open fire. 在户外的火堆上烤。
I wish I had one now. 我真希望现在就来一个。
Do you remember when Daddy and I used to take you 你还记得爸爸和我常带你
and Susan and Robbie to Jones Beach?   Susan, Robbie去Jones海滨的事吗?
Oh, I sure do. 哦,我当然记得。
We'd wait until dark and make a fire, 我们等到天黑就升火,
and we'd cook the hot dogs. 然后烤热狗。
Oh, don't forget the mustard. 噢,不要忘了芥末。
And, oh, does anybody want ketchup? 噢,有人要番茄酱吗?
I might as well take it along. 我不妨带着。
And now to make sure we've got the hamburger patties.   现在务必确信带上汉堡碎肉饼。
I have to remember to put them in the bag 我必须记得将它们放进袋子
tomorrow morning before we leave. 在明天早上临走之前。
I'll remind you, Richard. 我会提醒你的, Richard。
Mom, 妈,
we really appreciate your taking care of Max for the weekend 我们真心感谢你周末照顾Max
and giving up your free time. 放弃你的闲暇时间。
I love doing it. 我爱这样做。
Susan and Harry have a sitter for Michelle in the city, Susan和Harry在城里给Michelle找到一位临时保姆,
and I'm taking care of Max. 我就来照顾Max。
It's no big deal. 这没有什么。
I am happy to do it for you. 我很高兴为你们做这件事。
I guess Max is asleep by now. 我想Max现在已经睡觉了。
He's not crying anymore. 他不再哭了。
Oh, poor baby. 噢,可怜的宝贝。
He's teething. 他正在长牙齿。
Well, he's asleep--finally. 好了,他总算睡着了。
I feel so bad for him. 我为他难过。
It hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth. 小孩子长第一颗牙齿时好痛哟。
He'll be fine, Marilyn. 他不会有问题的,Marilyn。
Well, he wakes up several times during the night, 噢,他一晚醒了好几次,
and the pain is so bad. 疼得很厉害。
I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, 我这个周末外出真快乐,Ellen,
and leaving you with the full responsibility of taking care of Max. 还要把照顾Max的全部责任留给你 。
Especially with his teething. 特别是他现在开始长牙。
I wish he felt better. 我真希望他现在好一点。
Please don't worry, Marilyn. 请别担心,Marilyn。
Remember your father-in-law's a pediatrician. 记住你公公是小儿科医师。
We have a live-in doctor if there's a problem I can't handle. 假如我遇到不能解决的问题我们还有位驻家医生。
I agree, Marilyn. 我同意,Marilyn。
We really don't have to be overly concerned. 我们真的不需要过分担心。
I'll go upstairs and stay with him until he falls asleep again. 我上楼去陪他直到他又睡着。
Thanks, Richard. 谢谢,Richard。
Try putting him across your lap on his stomach. 试试让他趴着睡在你大腿上。
He likes that. 他喜欢那样。
I'll try it. 我试试吧。
When are Susan and Harry picking you up, Marilyn? Susan和Harry什么时候来接你们,Marilyn?
They're coming by at six tomorrow morning, 他们明天早晨六点钟过来。
so we can get an early start. 这样我们可以早点出发。
That's nice. 很好。
And you'll have a full day in the country. 你们就可以在乡下呆一整天啦。
And a full night. 还有一整个晚上。
Tomorrow night we'll be camping out in tents. 明天晚上我们将露宿在帐蓬。
And coming home on Sunday? 星期日回来?
We'll be heading back late in the afternoon. 我们会在黄昏时打道回府。
You're going to have the time of your lives. 你们将会玩得非常痛快。
Camping out is such great fun. 露营是件很好玩的事。
We'll have a great time camping out, I'm sure. 我确定我们会在露营时玩得很开心。
But I'm still a little worried about you, Ellen. 但我还是有点牵挂着你, Ellen。
It will be my great pleasure, Marilyn. 我也会很快乐的,Marilyn。
Remember, it's only one night. 记住,只是一个晚上。
He's asleep. 他睡着了。
I think he'll sleep through the night now. 我想他现在会睡到天亮。
Thanks, honey. 谢谢,亲爱的。
I hope he's good when we're away. 我希望我们不在时他很乖。
Well, so do I. 嗯,我也希望如此。
Now, to check the list of things we need for the camping trip. 现在,让我们检查一下露营旅行所需物品的清单吧。
We need to bring a flashlight. 我们需要带一个手电筒。
It's in the right-hand drawer, next to the bottle openers. 在右手边的抽屉里,就在开瓶器旁边。
Do we have a bottle opener on the list, Marilyn? 清单上有开瓶器吗,Marilyn?
No. No bottle opener. 没有,没有开瓶器。
Is that one of the things Susan and Harry are bringing? 那是不是Susan和Harry要带的物品之一?
No. 不是。
And we're bringing the ketchup, mustard, relish--all that stuff. 我们还要番茄酱呀,芥末,调味酱诸如此类的东西。
And cooking utensils. 还有厨具。
Well, here's the bottle opener, and here's the flashlight. 哦,这是开瓶器,这是手电筒。
Matches. 火柴。
Matches? 火柴?
Yes, of course. 是的,要的。
For when we build our campfire. 用来生营火的。
I can't build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. 我总不能靠磨擦两片木柴来取火吧。
And don't forget your camera and film, Richard. 别忘了你的照相机和底片,Richard。
All packed and ready. 都打包准备好了。
And let's not forget our cassette player and some tapes. 还别忘了带上我们的卡式录音机和一些录音带。
Some music tapes and some blank tapes 带一些音乐带和一些空白带
so that we can record our thoughts about the trip. 以便我们录下旅行中的感想。
Oh, that's a nice idea. 噢,这是个好主意。
An audio diary. 来一段录音游记。
That's what I thought. 我就是这么想的。
Got it! 找到了!
The cassette player and the tapes. 卡式录音机和录音带。

Marilyn and Richard will be away for the weekend.
But Marilyn is worried about Max.
I hope he's good when we're away.
Use the present tense when you talk about the future--
after "WHEN."
They will leave tomorrow morning.
And they want to take some hamburgers along.
We'll have to remember to put them in the bag
tomorrow morning before we leave.
Use the present tense when you talk about the future--
after "BEFORE."
Max keeps crying.
He doesn't want to sleep.
Maybe he'll fall asleep again.
I'll go upstairs and stay with him until he falls asleep again.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--
after "UNTIL."
Will Max miss his parents this weekend?
Maybe there'll be a problem with him.
We have a live-in doctor if there's a problem I can't handle.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--after "IF."
I hope Max goes to sleep AFTER Richard and Marilyn leave.
I hope Max goes to sleep AS SOON AS everyone says goodbye.
I hope Max gets a lot of sleep
WHILE Richard and Marilyn are on their trip.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--after "AFTER."
after "AS SOON AS."
after "WHILE."


Oh, I love it! 哦,我太喜欢了!
I love it! 我太喜欢它了!
To be away from the city on such a beautiful day 在这样美好的一天远离都市
is my idea of heaven! 正是我所想象的天堂!
The grass. The trees. The fresh air. 草地,树木,新鲜空气。
I told you you'd like it. I've been doing this for years. 我说过你会喜欢的。我多年来一直从事这项活动。
You have the spirit of a teenager, Susan. 有一股青少年的朝气,Susan。
Wait till you see yourself jumping around. 等着看你到处乱蹦的样子吧。
That's what I love about Susan. 这就是我喜欢Susan的一点。
She works hard. 工作起来努力。
She plays hard. 玩起来也拼命。
She's a real Stewart. 她是一个真正的Stewart家的人。
Come on, Richard. 过来,Richard。
Help me get this stuff out of the car. 帮我将这些东西拿下车子。
Where does it go? 放在哪儿?
Well, we'll put everything over there. 嗯,我们将所有的东西都放在那边。
We'll set up our tents over there by the edge of the woods. 我们在林边搭帐蓬。
Then we'll be able to make our fire there where it's safe. 然后,我们就可以在那儿找一个安全的地方生火了。
Oh, there's our table and benches. 哦,那是我们的桌子和长板凳。
All set for eating. 吃饭用的东西都摆好了。
That's what makes this spot so good. 那就是为什么这个地点这样好的道理。
Is anybody hungry? 有人饿了?
I am. 我饿了。
We just got here. 我们才刚到这儿。
When you're out in the fresh air like this, it makes you hungry. 当你来外面呼吸这么新鲜的空气时,就很容易饿。
Aren't you hungry, Marilyn? 你不饿吗,Marilyn?
I sure am. 我确实饿了。
How about you, Richard? 你呢,Richard?
Starving. 很饿。
You guys are like three kids. 你们就像三个孩子。
Aren't you hungry, Harry? 你不饿吗,Harry?
Well, yeah. 嗯,饿啊。
Now that you mention it, I guess I am. 你们一提到我想我也饿了。
I mean, 我的意思,
how could a guy not be hungry with all this talk about eating? 当大家都谈吃的,谁能不饿呢?
Where's the bag with the chicken salad sandwiches? 放鸡肉色拉三明治的袋子在哪?
Right here, next to the ice packs. Here. 就在这,在冰袋旁边。这儿。
Put the tablecloth on the picnic table, 将桌巾铺在餐桌上,
and I will bring the cola and the plastic cups. 我拿可乐和塑胶杯来。
Well, how do you like it so far? 好了,到现在为止你们感觉怎么样?
I've never been more relaxed. 我从来没有这样轻松过。
Me, neither. 我也没有。
I wish we had brought Michelle, Harry. 我真希望你们带了Michelle来,Harry。
She would have loved it. 她会喜欢的。
Oh, you're right. 哦,说得对。
I wish we had brought Max. 我也希望我们带了Max来。
Marilyn, Susan, let's not begin to worry about Michelle and Max. Marilyn,Susan, 不要开始担心Michelle和Max。
We're having a good time, and they're in good hands. 我们玩得快乐,他们也得到很好的照顾。
Richard is right. Richard是对的。
Are you having a good time, Susan? 玩得高兴吗,Susan?
You haven't answered my question. 你还没有回答我的问题呢。
I am having a good time, Harry. 我玩得很高兴,Harry。
I promise not to think about the city. 我保证不去想城里的事。
We're in the country. 我们在乡村。
Let's all just enjoy this wonderful place 让我们大家都来享受这个美妙的地方
and this wonderful weather. 和这种美妙天气吧。
Good. 好。
This is heaven, Harry! 这简直是上帝过得日子,Harry!
It was such a great idea to spend the weekend this way. 这样过周末的主意简直太棒了。
Thanks, Susan. 谢谢,Susan。
I thought you'd all like it. 我料想你们都会喜欢的。
Like it? 喜欢?
I love it! 我爱上它了!
Listen to the sounds of the summer that surround us. 仔细倾听环绕我们的夏夜声息。
It's so calming. 好宁静。
I've always liked camping out. 我一直喜欢露营。
Away from the telephones and account books. 远离电话和帐本。
It's refreshing for me. 这是我提起精神的方法。
I always go back to the city in a wonderful state of mind. 我再回到城市时,精神总是十分饱满。
We've only been here for a day, 我们到这儿仅仅一天,
and I've completely forgotten about all my business problems. 但我已经抛开了我所有的业务上的问题。
The office seems so far away. 办公室好像变得那么遥远。
I'm glad you like it, Susan. 我很高兴你喜欢它,Susan。
We'll spend many more weekends like this. 我们以后要多度几次这样的周末。
And next time we'll bring Michelle. 下次我们会带Michelle来。
I wish she were here with us to enjoy the country. 我真希望现在她就和我们在一起享受这乡村美景。
And next time we'll bring Michelle. 下次我们带Michelle来。
Just listen to the sound. 听听这些声音。
It's so soothing. 是这样的安详。
I can hardly keep my eyes open. 我简直睁不开眼睛了。
If only we could bottle the fresh air. 要是我们能用瓶子将新鲜空气装回去多好。
Wouldn't it be wonderful? 那样岂不是太美妙了吗?
We could call it "Deep Sleep Country Air." 我们可以称它为“沉睡的乡村空气” 。
It puts you to sleep. 它让你很想入睡。
So does the sound. 这些声音便是。
I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open 我一直挣扎着要让双眼睁开
just listening to it. 听着这些声音时。
It's like a special music. 它就像是一种特别的音乐。
Too bad we can't bottle the sound. 不能将声音装进瓶里真是太可惜了。
But we can! 但我们能!
Can what? 能做什么?
Bottle the sound. 将声音装起来呀。
What are you talking about? 在说什么?
Oh, yeah? 噢,做什么?
Great idea! 好主意!
Let's do it! 我们来录!

Put away your worries.
Put away your cares.
Let's leave our work behind us.
Let's get away somewhere.
Let's pack up what we need, enough for a weekend stay.
Let's go on a camping trip,
'cause we all need to get away.
We'll bring some hot dogs with us, burgers and ketchup, too.
Don't forget the mustard,
because we're going to have a barbecue.
We'll pitch our tents right by the woods, and we'll enjoy the view.
The sights and sounds of the country
are waiting for me and you.
We'll set up our tents over there by the edge of the woods.
Then we'll be able to make our fire there where it's safe.
We'll cook our dinner every night over an open fire.
We'll go fishing on the lake, if we can get a boat for hire.
And if there's any problem--
something we don't know about--
park rangers are always there,
they'll always help us out.
We can walk a hiking trail.
There's a lot to see out there.
We can pick some flowers.
You can wear them in your hair.
So pack up your hiking boots,
'cause you have to dress up right.
And don't forget a lantern,
'cause it gets real dark at night.
There's always something going on.
There's plenty for us to do.
The sights and sounds of the country are waiting for me and you.


I'm so glad everyone is asleep. 很高兴大家都睡了。
I thought Max would be crying, and everybody would be awake. 我还以为Max会哭个不停,让大家都睡不着。
What did I tell you? 我不是告诉你吗?
Nothing to worry about. 没有什么可担心的。
I'm sure everything is fine. 我确信一切很好。
My mother knows all there is to know 我母亲完全懂得
about taking care of babies, I assure you. 如何照顾好孩子,我向你保证。
Let's put some of this stuff away and then take off. 让我们把这些东西拿出来然后就走啦。
We've got a forty-minute drive into the city. 我们还要开车四十分钟到城里去。
Welcome home-- 欢迎归来---
and I do mean welcome home. 我真心欢迎你们回来。
Something wrong? 有什么不对劲吗?
Oh, nothing's wrong, Richard. 噢,没有什么事,Richard。
Believe me, Max is fine. 相信我,Max很好。
But his teeth hurt, and he just can't get to sleep, poor dear. 但他的牙疼,他不能入睡,可怜的小宝贝。
Neither can you. 你也不能睡。
Oh, I feel so bad. 噢,我真感到难过。
Oh, I'm fine. 噢,我很好。
How was your weekend? 你们的周末过得怎样?
We had a great time, Mom. 我们玩得十分开心,妈。
It was wonderful. 太好了。
The weather couldn't have been better. 天气再好不过了。
It was nice here, too. 这儿也很好。
Did you get a chance to get outside at all? 你们有时间出去了?
Oh, yes. 噢,是的。
Grandpa helped me yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午祖父帮我的忙。
I went to the supermarket to get a few things, 我去了一趟菜市场买了几样东西,
and I stayed out an extra half hour. 我还特别多呆了半个小时。
The village was filled with people--the weather was so nice. 镇上挤满人---由于天气好的缘故。
Harry's a professional camper, Mom. Harry是露营专家,妈。
He knows all there is to know, 他无所不知,
and he made the weekend very easy for us to enjoy. 使得我们周末过得非常轻松愉快。
Come on. You all helped. 别这样说,你们都帮了忙。
You were wonderful, Harry! 你真是了不得,Harry!
Why don't you go to your room, Mom, and get some sleep. 为什么不到你的房间去,妈妈,去睡一会儿。
Oh, I'm fine. 噢,我不要紧。
Tell me more about your weekend. 多告诉我一点你们的周末。
Did you do anything special? 你们做了什么特别的事情吗?
Lots of special country things. 有许多特别的乡村趣事。
We picked flowers. 我们采花。
And we brought some home for you. 而且带了一些回来给你。
It was so nice to be out in the country. 出去置身乡下真是太好了。
They smell wonderful. 闻起来很香。
Everything smelled so special. 所有的东西还有特别的味道。
It would have been great if we had been able to bottle the smells. 假如我们能将气味装进瓶里该有多好。
It would be a great business if you could do that. 假如能做到那样的话可是一笔大生意。
Oh! 噢!
Uh, we're home now, Ellen. 噢,我们到家了,Ellen。
We'll take care of it. 我们去照顾他。
I'll take care of it. 我来照顾他。
Let's see if it works. 让我们看看录音是不是有效果。
What's that? 那是什么?
A little special country music. 一点特殊的乡村音乐。
I think we'd better head home. 我想我们最好上路回家啦。
It's getting late, and we have a bit of a drive. 已经晚了,而我们还要开好一段路呢。
Well, all your things are inside. 嗯,所有你们的东西都拿来了。
There's your sleeping bag. 这是你们的睡袋。
Oh, thanks, Harry. 噢,谢谢,Harry。
Say good-bye to Richard. 替我向Richard说声再见。
We'll call you all tomorrow night. 我们明天晚上打电话给你们。
Good-bye. 再见。
Bye, Mom. 再见,妈妈。
Bye-bye. 再见。
Bye. 再见。
I'm so tired I think I'm overtired. 我好累,我想我是累过头了。
I don't know if I can get to sleep. 我不知道我能否睡得着。
Max has stopped crying. Max不哭了。
Yes. It works! 不错。有效果!
It works! 有效果!
What works? 什么有效果?
This. 这个。
Oh. Oh, where did you get that? 噢。噢,你们从哪儿弄来的?
It sounds so nice. 很好听。
I think I'm falling asleep. 我想我要睡着了。
Like Max did. 就像Max一样。
Good night. 晚安。
Good night. 晚安。
Sounds of the country. 乡村音乐。
The soothing sounds of the country. 安详的乡村音乐。

Max is fine.
But his teeth hurt, and he just can't get to sleep.
I think Ellen wishes that Max had felt better.
If he had felt better, Ellen would have slept more.
Oh, I feel so bad.
Uh-oh. I think Marilyn wishes she had taken Max camping.
If Marilyn ... Max, Ellen ... an easier weekend.
That's right. If Marilyn had taken Max,
Ellen would have had an easier weekend.
I stayed out an extra half hour.
The village was filled with people--
the weather was so nice.
I bet Ellen wishes that she had stayed in the village a little longer.
If she ... in the village a little longer, she ... so tired.
You're right. If Ellen had stayed in the village a little longer,
she wouldn't have been so tired.
Harry's a professional camper, Mom.
He knows all there is to know.
I'm sure Richard wishes he'd gone camping before this weekend.
If Richard ... before, he ... what to do.
That's right.
If Richard had gone camping before,
he would have known what to do.
级别: 论坛版主
27  发表于: 2004-05-08   
Opening Night 展览开幕之夜


A little further to the right, Tom. 再往右一点,Tom。
Is this OK? 这样可以吗?
Good. What do you think, Richard? 好。你看呢?
I like it there. 摆在那儿很好。
It's the first thing people will see when they come in. 这是人们走进来所看到的第一件东西。
It sets the tone for the whole show. 它决定了整个展览的气氛。
The next thing they'll see is 他们接着看到的
this enlargement with the words Family Album, U.S.A.   Family Album, U.S.A. 这几个放大的字。
I can't believe this is really happening! 我不敢相信这一切真的发生了!
You've earned it. 这是你应得的报偿。
Years of work went into these pictures. 多年心血换来这些照片。
I know, but it's still a dream come true. 我知道,但这终究是一个梦想实现了。
Well, remember, 嗯,记住,
we're not sure 我们还不能肯定
what the critics are going to write about your show yet. 评论家们会对你的展览写些什么。
And you never know 而你永远也不知道
what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. 纽约时报的那个人会说些什么。
Are you worried? 你担心吗?
I always worry. 我一向担心。
The reviews of this show 与这次展览有关的评论
are important for the sales of your book. 对于你这本书的销售很重要。
When do we see the reviews? 什么时候我们可以看到评论?
Soon. 很快。
One of the critics is coming over this morning for a preview. 一位评论家今天早上要来看预展。
I hope he's in a good mood. 我希望他心情不错。
So do I. 我也是。
Marilyn and I hope to use money from the sales of this book Marilyn和我希望用这本书销售的钱
to buy a new house. 来买一栋新房子。
The book will be a success. 这本书会成功的。
And the show will help promote it. 而这次展览会有利于促销它。
Speaking of promoting the book, 说起促销书的事,
do I really have to 我是不是真的有必要
autograph copies for the guests at the opening? 在展览开幕时为客人在书上签名?
It's common practice. 这是惯例。
I feel uncomfortable about it. 我对此感到满不好意思的。
A lot of people come to openings 许多人参加开幕式
just so they can get 就是为了得到
the autograph of somebody who may be famous someday. 将来有可能成名的人的签名。
Couldn't we wait until I'm famous? 难道不能等到我成名了再说?
That might be sooner than you think. 那也许比你想像的要快。
This one over here, Mr. Carlson? 这张就摆这儿吗,Carlson先生?
A little further back, Tom. 再往后一点,Tom。
It's too close to the refreshments. 它离茶点太近了。
No, I think this one belongs in the "people-at-work" section. 不,我认为它属于“工作中的人们”那一区。
You may be right. 也许你说的对。
Try it there, Tom. 放在那儿试试,Tom。
Right. 好。
Nervous about the opening tonight? 对今晚开幕式感到紧张?
Nervous? 紧张?
Me? 我?
No. I'm scared to death. 不。我害怕得要命。
How about guests? 来宾呢?
How many people will you be bringing? 你约了多少人来?
Well, my family, I guess. 嗯,我一家人,我想。
My wife Marilyn, my father and mother, 我太太Marilyn,我父亲和母亲。
my brother Robbie, 我弟弟Robbie,
my sister and her husband and their daughter. 我妹妹Susan和她丈夫以及他们的女儿。
And my grandfather. 还有我祖父。
Is that too many? 是不是太多了?
No such thing as "too many" at an opening. 展览开幕怎么会嫌人太多呢。
I hope they like it. 我希望他们会喜欢。
Your family or the public? 你的家人还是公众?
Everybody. 每一位。
But especially my family. 但尤其是我的家人。
They've stood by me through all this. 他们一直支持我做这件事。
I'm sure they'll like it. 我相信他们会喜欢的。
Harvey, how are you? Harvey,你好吗?
Mitchell, so nice of you to come. Mitchell,欢迎光临。
Richard, this is Mitchell Johnson. Richard,这是Mitchell Johnson。
Mitchell is   Mitchell是
one of the most important syndicated reviewers in the country. 我国最重要的报团评论家之一。
Well, you're the young man who did all this. 嗯,你就是那位拍这些照片的年轻人。
I'm afraid so. 不敢当。
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson. 很高兴见到你,Johnson先生。
Mitchell has always encouraged new talent. Mitchell总是在鼓励新人。
Well ... you mind if I look around 嗯……你们不介意我到处瞧瞧
and see what it says to me? 看它给我什么样的感受?
Be our guest. 请随意。
Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。
Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。
What does that mean when he goes, 他发出的声音代表什么意思,
"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm"? "Mm-hmm,mm-hmmm,mm-hmm"?
It probably means he's clearing his throat. 也许表示他正在清嗓子。
I don't know. 我不知道。
I don't care what the critics say, Mr. Stewart. 我不管评论家怎么说,Stewart先生。
Your work is brilliant. 你的作品很好。
Thank you, Tom. 谢谢你,Tom。
Tom is studying photography at NYU. Tom正在NYU学摄影。
He's working with me during the summer months as an intern. 在夏天的这几个月到我这儿来当实习生。
Oh, really? 噢,真的?
I'd like to see your work. 我希望能看到你的作品。
It's not good enough to show. 还不值得展示。
I'm still learning. 我还在学习当中。
Oh, I'd still like to see your work. 噢,我仍然希望看到你的作品。
You may be the next Ansel Adams and not even know it. 你或许是第二个Ansel Adams而不自知呢。
If you really mean it, 假如你是说真的,
I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 我就带一些我的摄影到艺廊来。
I do mean it. 我的确是说真的。
Very interesting pictures, Mr. Stewart. 你的照片很有意思,Stewart先生。
You have a most unusual eye. 你有着极为不寻常的眼光。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
I hope that's a compliment. 我希望这是赞美之词。
It is. 它是的。
Are you going to be reviewing the show, Mitchell? 你会评论这项展览吗,Mitchell?
Oh, yes. It's definitely worth reviewing. 噢,是的。它着实值得评论。
Favorably? 是好评?
Oh, you know I never answer that question, Harvey. 噢,你知道我从不回答这类的问题,Harvey。
I'd like an advance copy of the book, though, 但我想要一本新书的试印,
so I can study it. 以便我好好研究。
I have an autographed one in my office. 在我办公室,有一本签了名的。
Tom, would you give Mr. Johnson   Tom,拿给Johnson先生
the copy of Richard's book on my desk? 在我桌上那本Richard的书,好吗?
Just follow me, Mr. Johnson. 请跟我来,Johnson先生。
Sure. 好的。
Do you think he liked my photographs? 你觉得他喜欢我的摄影?
We'll know when tonight's papers come out. 今晚的报纸出来的时候,我们就知道了。
Keep your fingers crossed. 希望你一切顺利。

What does that mean?
This is the job for ...
Pronunciation man.
All the sounds make sense.
Pronunciation man.
If you can hear the difference ...
Pronunciation man.
Listen. He said, "Hmm."
He meant, "I'm thinking."
Thank you. Pronunciation man.
Now would you like to take a look at a few paintings?
Note the interesting use of line!
Can you see the force perspective
in this painting?
This is a portrait of the artist's mother!
Huh? Ah-hah! Yuk!
This is getting ridiculous.
This is one of my favorite.
Notice the use of black and blue.
Here's one you'll like!
Ooh! This is good.
Thank you. Pronunciation man.
That's all we have.
Huh? No more pictures of me?!


Do you like the dress? 你喜欢这套衣服?
I love it. 我喜欢。
I designed it myself. 这是我自己设计的。
It's beautiful. 它很漂亮。
Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?
We're supposed to be there 我们应当先到那儿
before the guests arrive. 在客人到达之前。
I know. I know. 我知道。我知道。
Help me with this tie, will you? 帮我打领带,好吗?
Honey, I'm scared to death. 亲爱的,我害怕得要命。
But this is what you've been working for all these years. 但你多年来的工作,为的就是这个呀。
No, no. 不,不。
I worked to put together a book of photographs. 我的工作是创作出一本摄影书。
This is show business. 而今天这个却是演艺事业。
Well, it's all part of the same job. 嗯,它们都是同一项工作的一部份。
Just relax and enjoy it. 放轻松点,好好地享受它。
You're right. 说得对。
I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. 我辛苦赢得的,我要去享受它。
As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown. 只等我从神经崩溃中恢复过来。
What are you afraid of? 你怕什么?
Everything. 每一样事情。
A critic was there this morning. 一个评论家早上去过了。
He probably hates my work. 他也许讨厌我的作品。
I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people 我还必须为许多人在我的书上签名
I never met before. 我从未谋面过的的人。
My new shoes hurt my feet ... 我的新鞋弄痛了我的脚……
You're going to be a great success. 你会获得很大的成功的。
Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?
As soon as I get these cuff links on. 只等我将袖扣扣好。
Let me help. 我来帮忙。
Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. 妈妈和爸爸已经出发去画廊了。
There! You look very attractive. 天!你看起来真引人注目。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Well, I suppose I've run out of excuses. 噢,我想我再也找不出籍口了。
Mm-hmm. Let's go ... 嗯哼。我们走吧……
Oh, one minute. 噢,再等一分钟。
Before we go to the gallery, 在我们去画廊之前,
I just want to tell you 我想告诉你
that I never could have done this book 我不可能完成这本书
without your help and your love. 要不是你的帮助和爱。
I appreciate it. 我很感激。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Now, no more stalling. 现在,不要再拖延了。
What is it? 怎么回事?
There's nobody here! 这儿一个人都没有!
Of course not, Richard. 当然不会有,Richard。
Your show doesn't begin until eight thirty. 你的展览八点半才开始。
Oh. Right. 噢。对了。
Richard! Welcome! Good luck tonight! Richard!欢迎!祝你今天晚上好运!
Well, thanks. 噢,谢谢你。
This is my publisher, Harvey Carlson. 这是我的出版商Harvey Carlson。
You've met my wife Marilyn ... 你曾经见过我太太Marilyn…
Charmed. 荣幸见到你。
Hi. 嗨 。
My mother, Ellen Stewart. 我母亲Ellen Stewart。
Harvey Carlson. 这是Harvey Carlson。
It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
This is my father, Dr. Philip Stewart ... 这是我父亲 Philip Stewart医生……
Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlson. 很高兴见到你,Carlson先生。
My brother Robbie ... 我弟弟Robbie……
Hi. 嗨。
Hi. 嗨。
And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett 这是我妹妹Susan和她丈夫Harry Bennett
and his daughter Michelle. 以及他女儿Michelle。
It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
And this gentleman is my grandfather, Malcolm Stewart. 这位绅士是我祖父Malcolm Stewart。
Welcome, Mr. Stewart. 欢迎你,Stewart先生。
Well, make yourselves comfortable. 噢,请大家自便。
There are hors d'oeuvres at the table, fruit punch at the bar. 在桌子上有小吃,有水果调味饮品。
Help yourselves. 请随便用。
Can I get you something, Mr. Stewart? 要我替你拿点什么吗,Stewart先生?
No, thank you. 不用了,谢谢你。
You can feel very proud of your grandson, Mr. Stewart. 你可以为你的孙子感到非常的骄傲,Stewart先生?
I do. 我就是啊。
I'm proud of all my grandchildren, Mr. Carlson. 我为我所有的孙子孙女感到骄傲,Carlson先生。
Of course. 当然。
Feel free to look around. 请随意到处看看。
If you need anything, just ask. 假如你需要什么,请尽管讲。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Harvey? Harvey?
Yes? 怎么?
Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? Mitchell Johnson的评论出来了没有?
Not yet. 还没有。
The newspapers don't come out till about ten o'clock. 报纸要差不多十点钟才出来。
When they come out, we'll get it. 一出来,我们就会拿到手。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Ready? 准备好了吗?
Yes. Have the people arrived? 是的。客人来了?
The guests are waiting. 客人们正等着呢。
Tom's about to open the doors. Tom准备要开门。
Good luck! And stop worrying! 祝你好运!别再担心!
They're going to love it. 他们会喜欢的。

Nervous about the opening tonight?
Nervous? Me? No. I'm scared to death.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
I'm scared to death.
My heart is pounding like a drum.
And I'm out of breath.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
I can't think straight.
My palms are sweaty, I can't relax,
and I just can't concentrate.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
And look at my hands!
They shake!
I try to get to sleep at night.
But I lie there wide awake ...
'cause I'm nervous!
Oh, I'm just a mess. Yeah!
My mouth is dry, I can hardly speak,
and I can't even get myself dressed.
I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it.
As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
It's my opening night.
I'm weak in the knees, I'm fidgety,
And I'm beside myself with fright.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
And look at my hands!
They shake!
I try to get to sleep at night.
But I lie there wide awake ...
'cause I'm nervous!
And it's easy to see.
I'm jumpy. I'm jittery.
I'm anxious and panicky.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
Yeah, I'm nervous!


What's this? 这是什么?
Read it. 读出来吧。
I can't. 我不敢读。
Would you read it, Marilyn? 请你读好吗,Marilyn?
"Richard Stewart's show at the Carlson Gallery "Richard Stewart在Carlson画廊展出的
is a collection of photographs 是选出的摄影作品
from his new book entitled Family Album, U.S.A. 从他的新书Family Album, U.S.A.
There is power and beauty in Mr. Stewart's work,   Stewart先生的工作中显出力与美。
and his book 他的书
introduces us to a remarkable new talent." 让我们看到一位卓越的新秀。”
Oh, Richard, it's wonderful! 噢,Richard,太棒了!
Congratulations! 恭喜你!
Wow! I'm overwhelmed. 喔!我太感动了。
Ladies and gentlemen, 各位女士,各位先生,
if I may have your attention for a moment, please? 我想占用你们一点点时间,好吗?
I hope you're all enjoying the exhibition. 我希望你们都喜欢这个展览。
I know that I am. 我知道我是很喜欢。
And I would like to introduce the young man 现在我希望向大家介绍这位年轻人
who spent the last five years 用过去五年的时间
taking these remarkable pictures 来拍摄这些作品
and writing the background for Family Album,U.S.A.-- 为Family Album,U.S.A.撰写背景说明的年轻人
Mr. Richard Stewart.   Richard Stewart先生。
Hello. 你们好。
I want to thank all of you for coming here tonight. 我非常感谢你们大家今天晚上赏光。
I'd like to thank Harvey Carlson 我非常感谢Harvey Carlson。
for his faith in my project. 对我工作计划的信心。
But most of all, 但最重要的,
I would like to thank my family 我要感谢我的家人
for their love and support all through this adventure. 在这整个工作期间给予我的爱和支持。
Thank you. 谢谢各位。
Oh, I'm glad that's over. 噢,我真高兴终于结束了。
Would you mind? 你们不介意吧?
Oh, not at all. 噢,一点也不。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Our pleasure. 非常荣幸。
Hope it wins a Pulitzer Prize. 希望它能得Pulitzer奖。
I'll settle for an "A" in my photography course. 我只要摄影课能得"A"就满足了。
Ah, Richard, Marilyn, I want you to meet John O'Neill. 啊,Richard,Marilyn,我向你们介绍John O'Neill。
Oh, how do you do? 噢,你好。
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
I've been looking forward to meeting your husband, Mrs. Stewart. 我一直希望能见到你先生,Stewart太太。
I'm really impressed by your show. 你的展览让我留下了深刻的印象。
Thank you. 谢谢。
In fact, I'd like your autograph. 事实上,我想要你的签名。
Oh, well, really ... 噢,哦,真的……
On a contract. 在一份合同上面。
What's this about, Harvey? 这是怎么回事,Harvey?
Mr. O'Neill is the publisher of several magazines. O'Neill先生是一些杂志的发行人。
Of course. I've seen you on television. 当然。我在电视上看见过你。
Mr. O'Neill was so impressed with your work   O'Neill先生被你的作品深深打动
that he wants to develop it into a magazine concept. 他想要将它加以发展使之成为一个杂志方面的构想。
Well, that sounds very exciting, 嗯,听起来很令人兴奋,
but where would I fit into the plan? 但是我在这项计划中怎么定位?
I'd like you to be the photo editor of the magazine. 我希望你能做杂志的摄影编辑。
Oh, Richard, how exciting! 哦,Richard,太令人兴奋了!
It's a wonderful opportunity, Richard. 这是一个好机会,Richard。
Hold on. Wait a minute, please. 等等。请稍等一下。
What's the problem, Richard? 有什么问题吗,Richard?
The problem is that I'm a photographer, not an editor. 问题是我是一个摄影师,不是一个编辑。
I like what I do. 我喜欢我所做的工作。
In fact, I love what I do ... 事实上,我热爱我的工作…
which is going out with a camera and a roll of film 那就是带着照相机和一卷底片出去
and seeing the wonder of humanity. 看众生奇景。
Now, I appreciate your offer, 因此,我感激你的提议,
but I've worked so hard on Family Album, U.S.A., 但是我一直为Family Album, U.S.A.辛勤工作,
and I'm giving some thought to a new book on a different subject. 如今我又开始在构想另一本不同题材的新书。
I'm flattered, 你的厚爱使我受宠若惊,
but I enjoy taking pictures, and I want to continue doing that. 但我喜欢拍照片,而且我要继续做这一行。
Thank you, 谢谢你,
but I'm happy being a photographer. 但我乐于当一名摄影师。
I understand, Richard. 我懂了,Richard。
Richard, I know your next book will be a success. Richard 我相信你的下一本书会成功的。
Congratulations! 恭喜你!
Thanks. 谢谢。
You're a real Stewart! 你真不愧是Stewart家的人!
Thanks. 谢谢。

I can see our love grow.
Grandpa loves his family.
Grandpa loves his family.
There's a lot of love here.
I will always love you.
And I'll try to make you happy everyday.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you.
You're gonna be fine.
We need some quality time together.
What we need is quality time.
级别: 新手上路
28  发表于: 2004-07-31   
真好 太感谢了
级别: 新手上路
29  发表于: 2004-09-22   
i can't download
by "影音传送带“
could you tell me why?
