Unit 62
I can't help it. I was born a beauty.
1 你说她今天看起来很漂亮。她打趣地说,她也没办法,生来就是美人:
I can't help it. I was born a beauty.
2 你夸奖他善于经营。他说,那是没有办法的事,他的家人都擅长经营:
I can't help it, my folks are all good at business.
3 朋友认为,刚才的事不应该发那么大的火。你说,没办法,那是本能的冲动:
I can't help it. It's an impulse.
4 你上课不停地打瞌睡。你说,没办法,昨晚没睡:
I can't help it, I didn't sleep last night.
5 母亲说你干嘛不按时回家。你说,你也没办法,遇上了塞车:
I can't help it. I was in a traffic jam.
6 弟弟因犯规在比赛中被淘汰出局。他说,只好这样了,抱怨也没有用了:
It can't be helped. it's no use to complain.
7 你问他为什么在下班之后另打一份工。他说,这是无法避免的事,他急需用钱:
It can't be helped. I'm in dire need of money.
8 他对那些小孩子循循善诱,不辞劳苦。他说,没办法,他是个教员:
It can't be helped, I'm a teacher.
can't help it 是没有办法的,没有办法,控制不了
can't be helped 是没有办法的事,只好这样
[此贴被竹影无风在2004-10-30 10:18重新编辑]