[00:01.80]Unit 1 What about a Wednesday?
[01:08.65]1 朋友约你出去喝茶,你今天有约,就说,找个星期三怎么样:`What about a Wednesday?
[01:20.22]2 孩子们歌唱得不错,你希望再听一首,就说,再来一首怎么样:`What about another song, children?
[01:34.09]3 请朋友吃饭,你喜欢窗子边的座位,就问,坐在窗子边怎么样:`What about sitting by the window?
[01:46.86]4 女儿上周考了试。你问,她上周考得怎么样:`How about your exam last week?
[01:58.34]5 朋友在你这里小坐。你说,来杯茶怎么样:`What about a cup of tea?
[02:08.71]6 你说他听到摇滚就头痛。他又问你,是不是也这样:`What about you?
[02:18.29]7 你感到有点冷,要多加一件衣服。你问朋友要不要:`How about you?
[02:27.57]8 今晚工作完以后你想请朋友出去吃顿饭,就问他:`How about having dinner together after work tonight?
[02:42.93]Unit 2 What do you think of my new car?
[02:50.82]1 你买了辆新车,自己很得意。但是你还要问朋友,他觉得你的新车如何:`What do you think of my new car?
[03:03.89]2 演讲对你来说是头一次。你悄声地问朋友,他觉得你的演讲怎么样:`What do you think of my speech?
[03:18.36]3 穿上新装迎来一片赞扬声。你明知故问地征求大家的意见:`What do you think of my new dress?
[03:31.52]4 朋友预料,这个项目最大的问题是资金问题。你说,这正是你需要考虑的问题 :`That's what I have to think about.
[03:45.29]5 归乡的路上,你深思不语。同乡说,你一定是想起童年了:`You must be thinking about your childhood.
[03:58.96]6 朋友问你那人的为人怎么样。你说,他总是为自己考虑的太多了:`He thinks too much about himself.
[04:12.23]7 你问朋友近来在干什么。他说,他正考虑移民到加拿大去:`I'm thinking about emigrating to Canada.
[04:27.00]8 弟弟为生意中的一次损失而忧郁不安。你劝他,不要再多想了:`You must not think about it any more.
[04:39.87]Unit 3 Neither can I.
[04:45.06]1 朋友说他不会下象棋。你说,你也不会:`Neither can I.
[04:55.83]2 听说音乐会一团糟,朋友说他不去了。你说,你也不去了:`Neither will I.
[05:06.61]3 客人在你家里出了洋相,父亲问你和妹妹谁先笑的。你说,当时你俩都忍不住笑了:`Neither of us can help laughing.
[05:22.47]4 祖父小的时候生活很苦。他说,他既没有钱也没有房子:`I had neither money nor house.
[05:35.04]5 物理课上老师在讲解物质的概念。他说,物质不会自生,也不会自灭:`Matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
[05:51.61]6 你对人家的隐私不感兴趣。你说,你既不会去听,也不会去讲:`I'll neither listen to nor speak of it.
[06:05.37]7 纠纷得到了解决。但是你认为双方都不满意:`The result was satisfactory to neither side.
[06:19.24]8 父亲说,大哥二哥谁来了都可以帮上忙。你说,他们俩都不能来:`Neither of them will be able to come.
[06:32.81]9 他一向不合群。你说,他从来不索取也不给予:`He neither takes nor gives.
[06:44.09]Unit 4 I haven't enough confidence.
[06:50.87]1 朋友不明白你为什么退出比赛。你说,你信心不足:`I haven't enough confidence.
[07:03.24]2 朋友见饭不太充足,就要离去。你说,这些东西五个人也够吃了:`It'll be enough for five people.
[07:16.51]3 大家问你情况怎么样了。你说,情况够严重的:`The situation is serious enough.
[07:29.58]4 朋友还想让你再讲一段。你说,今天已经讲得够多了:`I've talked quite enough for today.
[07:42.25]5 弟弟说那个女孩就是邻居家的女儿。你说,真奇怪,你从来没有见过:`Curiously enough, I've never seen her before.
[07:58.82]6 己所不欲,勿施与人。你说,这句话颇有道理:`That's fair enough.
[08:09.49]7 这个项目难度很大。你对大家说,仅有热情是不够的:`Enthusiasm alone is not enough.
[08:23.26]8 朋友提醒你,邻居家生了小孩应该送礼物去。你说,你怎么傻到连这一点儿也没有想起来:`I was enough of a fool not to think of that.
[08:41.02]Unit 5 Would you mind waiting a few minutes?
[08:47.71]1 你希望人家等你一会儿,就客气地问,请等一会好吗?`Would you mind waiting a few minutes?
[09:00.18]2 你没有听清,想请他讲得慢点,就说:`Would you mind speaking a little more slowly?
[09:13.05]3 想让他不要吸烟就客气一点儿说:`Would you mind not smoking here?
[09:23.42]4 朋友有事相求。问你,可否劳驾你帮个忙:`Would you mind doing me a favour?
[09:35.00]5 如果你愿意帮忙,要说,不介意,你愿意帮:`No, I don't mind. I'd love to help you.
[09:48.67]6 陌生人坐在你的旁边,他问你,介意不介意:`Would you mind my sitting here?
[09:59.14]7 你不愿意,就说,的确介意,但是他可以坐在那边:`Yes, I do mind. But you can sit over there.
[10:15.41]8 别人在议论你。你说,你不介意,那无关紧要:`I don't mind. It's of no importance.
[10:27.48]9 朋友对你的举手之劳竟然十分感激。你说,没关系:`Never mind.
[10:37.06]Unit 6 I'm only here on a visit.
[10:43.34]1 有人向你打听路。你说,你也只是在这里探访的:`I'm only here on a visit.
[10:55.12]2 父母决定要去乡下。他们说,要到乡下去看一看:`We'll go to the countryside on a visit.
[11:08.59]3 看到他连必备的衣物都没带,你问他,来这里只是稍作逗留吧?`You're here on a short visit?
[11:22.35]4 朋友问你今年打算怎么度冬假。你说,你要去伦敦:`I'll pay a visit to London this winter.
[11:36.22]5 朋友问你有没有机会来美国。你说,去年刚刚去过:`I paid a visit to America last year.
[11:49.69]6 家教问你每周来几次。你说,每周固定来一次好吗?`How about a regular visit each week?
[12:02.76]7 妻子问你要出差几周。你说,走六周:`I'm going on a six week visit.
[12:15.23]8 你向上司请假。你说,你下午要到医院看望一位朋友:`This afternoon, I'm going to visit a friend in the hospital.
[12:29.50]Unit 7 What's the matter, Ruth?
[12:34.79]1 Ruth一进门就连连叹气。你问他,怎么了:`What's the matter, Ruth?
[12:44.87]2 接着你发现她的脚有点不对头,就问,她的脚怎么了:`What's the matter with your foot?
[12:56.44]3 经理看着你的报告只是皱眉头。你问他,你的报告有什么问题:`What's the matter with my report?
[13:09.21]4 你把他的朋友都气走了,还说没有关系吧。他说,当然很有关系:`Of course it does matter.
[13:21.58]5 出门前你对着镜子照个没完。丈夫说,穿什么都没关系:`It doesn't matter how you're dressed.
[13:34.45]6 陌生人不小心踩了你的脚,他向你道歉。你对他说,没关系:`It doesn't matter.
[13:45.23]7 朋友不想再等你了,要先走。问你,有没有关系:`Does it matter if I go first?
[13:56.50]8 朋友让你快点儿走。你说,早去晚去都没有关系:`It doesn't matter whether you get there early or not.
[14:10.47]Unit 8 It's interesting, isn't it?
[14:17.06]1 朋友带你看了他一些收集的古币。他说,很有意思,对吗?`It's interesting, isn't it?
[14:29.23]2 老师让每个人练习编一段故事,又补充了一句,尽量编得有意思一点。`Try to make it more interesting.
[14:42.40]3 同学不明白你为什么把所有的零花钱全部用来买邮票。你说,你对此感兴趣:`I'm interested in it.
[14:54.77]4 父亲善于分析时事。他说,他也想让我们对其感兴趣:`I'll try to interest you in it.
[15:07.74]5 作者亲笔签名送给你一本书。你说,你会带着浓厚的兴趣去读的:`I'll read it with great interest.
[15:20.82]6 丈夫连早餐都没吃完只顾埋头看报。你问他,有什么有趣的事:`Is there anything of interest in the newspaper?
[15:35.48]7 他是一位很有声望的领导人。你说,他总是能为大家的利益着想:`He always considers the interest of all people.
[15:51.74]Unit 9 There's nothing like swimming for exercise.
[16:00.62]1 他问哪种体育运动最好。你说,什么都不如游泳:`There's nothing like swimming for exercise.
[16:15.00]2 疲倦之极回到家,妻子忙为你做吃的。你说,对于你来讲,现在什么都不如洗个热水澡:`There's nothing like a hot bath for me now.
[16:32.25]3 同事说老板要是发加班补贴就好了。你说,什么都不如放假又发薪水的好:`There's nothing like a vacation with salary.
[16:48.51]4 妻子做好了吃的,你还是在专心你的事。妻子说,你一旦有了兴趣就什么都不顾了:`When you're interested, you work like anything.
[17:04.58]5 你埋怨父母说,他们不理解你。父母却说,他们爱你爱得什么似的:`We love you like anything.
[17:17.35]6 朋友说,真是给你添麻烦了。你说,哪有的事:`It's nothing of the kind.
[17:28.62]7 朋友约你在这里等他,可他现在还没有来。你说,没办法只有等了:`There's nothing else but to wait.
[17:41.59]8 你的自行车丢了,找也没找到。你说,没办法只好再买一辆新的了:`There's nothing else but to a new one.
[17:56.26]Unit 10 I'll copy it at my leisure.
[18:02.25]1 同事把名单拿过来让你看。你说,你在闲暇时把它抄下来:`I'll copy it at my leisure.
[18:14.62]2 朋友给你推荐了一本好书。他说,带回家在你有空时候读:`Take it home and read it at your leisure.
[18:27.79]3 你提出申请去开发一个新项目。老板说,他得慢慢考虑:`I'll consider it at my leisure.
[18:40.16]4 你同朋友说,你不想尽快地还书。你说,你要从容一点读:`I'll read it at my leisure.
[18:52.73]5 朋友最近放了长假。他说,他有余暇来读书和听音乐:`I spend my leisure time reading and listening to music.
[19:09.49]6 母亲问你怎么不经常打电话回家。你说,很少有闲暇时间:`I have little leisure time.
[19:20.67]7 参观工厂后,你认为那里井然有序。你说,工人们不慌不忙,一声不响地工作:`The workers are working leisurely and silently.
[19:37.93]8 父亲是你的楷模。你说,他干什么事总是不不慌不忙:`He always does everything in a leisurely way.
[19:52.00]Unit 11 What have you been doing lately?
[19:58.38]1 路遇旧时挚友。你忙问他,近来忙什么:`What have you been doing lately?
[20:10.55]2 这位女演员不再演电影了。她说,近来她开始为自己缝制衣服:`Lately I've taken to making clothes by myself.
[20:26.52]3 他取出一叠图纸来给你看,说,这是他的最新设计:`This is my latest design.
[20:38.49]4 同事告诉你一些公司的内幕。他说,这是最新消息:`This is the latest news.
[20:50.66]5 他回忆当时的情景。他说,不一会儿在那就发生了爆炸:`An instant late, the explosion occurred there.
[21:05.23]6 父亲问你什么时候能回来。你说,最迟十点钟回来:`I'll be back at the latest by ten.
[21:17.60]7 老师布置了作业,又说,最迟星期五完成:`You'll have to finish it on Friday at the latest.
[21:31.07]8 你说择业问题现在困难很大。父亲说,迟早你也得面对:`Sooner or later you'll have to face it.
[21:46.44]Unit 12 I know of the city.
[21:51.52]1 朋友说他住在东山。你说,你听说过那个城市:`I know of the city.
[22:02.50]2 你到朋友家,他的父亲就是那位著名的工程师。你说,不认识,但是听说过:`I don't know him, but I know of him.
[22:17.57]3 朋友牙痛,你推荐了一位Jones医生。你说,他是人所周知的好牙医:`He is known by everyone as a good dentist.
[22:33.03]4 你了解Mary。你说,她是因聪颖而出名的:`Mary is known for her intelligence.
[22:44.20]5 你谈到最近生意上的事使你不思茶饭,经常失眠。朋友说,心理医生称这为紧张:`It's known as tension from a psychiatrist's point of view.
[23:03.56]6 朋友打听一家信得过的美容院要去做面膜。你告诉他,你知道一家美容院:`I know of a beauty salon.
[23:17.43]7 她说母亲是把芭蕾带进中国的舞蹈家。你说,她一定是以一个优秀的舞蹈家而著称于世的:`She must be well known as an excellent dancer.
[23:36.19]Unit 13 I just want to talk to you.
[23:44.57]1 那个人总是跟着你,你问他为什么。他说,只想跟你聊一聊:`I just want to talk to you.
[23:56.14]2 见他身陷困境,你说,只有一件事,你可以为他做:`There's just one thing I can do for you.
[24:09.91]3 你们撞了个满怀,他倒高兴了,说,正好在找你:`We were just looking for you.
[24:21.08]4 你在电脑里编辑文件,他送来了编辑软件。你说,你恰好想要这个:`That's just what I want.
[24:34.55]5 路上遇到了一位熟人。他说,他刚刚出院,要回家去了:`I'm just out of the hospital-I'm going home.
[24:49.32]6 朋友告诉你,他如何抓了小偷等等。你说,他刚刚讲的真有意思:`What you just told me is very amusing.
[25:02.69]7 有人问你邮局在哪里。你手一指说,就在那边:`Just over there.
[25:12.17]8 有人问你市政厅在哪里。你回答说,就在拐弯那边:`Just round the corner.
[25:23.04]9 书已经写到最后一章了。你说,书马上就要完成了:`The book is just about finished.
[25:34.72]Unit 14 It's out of place.
[25:41.00]1 妹妹穿得花花哨哨要去赴宴。你说,这显得不得体:`It's out of place.
[25:50.68]2 你告诉孩子们尊敬老人。你说,嘲笑老人是不应该的:`It's out of place to laugh at the elderly.
[26:04.35]3 同学们没等校长讲完就大声吵嚷起来。你说,这样未等他离开就吵,是不恰当的:`It was out of place to shout before he left.
[26:20.91]4 他一边吃饭一边哼着曲子。你对他说,这种场合下这种举动是不合适的:`It was out of place to have such manners on this occasion.
[26:38.07]5 你赞扬导游小姐讲解的自然流畅。她说,起初夹在一群老外中间很是别扭:`I felt out of place among the foreigners at first.
[26:55.13]6 你问姐姐换了家公司感觉怎么样。她说,她觉得很别扭:`I felt out of place.
[27:06.81]7 姑娘怎么都不肯起来跳舞。她说,穿得这样不讲究,跳舞不合适:`It's out of place to dance wearing such informal clothes.
[27:23.57]8 你一身牛仔装,而所有的客人都是西装革履。你说,你要走,你说你在这里觉得不自在:`I'm leaving. I feel out of place being here.
[27:41.13]Unit 15 They have no children of their own.
[27:48.21]1 两位老人到了晚年很孤独。你说,他们没有自己的孩子:`They have no children of their own.
[28:00.09]2 父亲让儿子开他的车。儿子说,他想要一辆自己的车:`I want to have a car of my own.
[28:13.46]3 你认定这是最好的解决办法。你说,你自己的经验也证明了这一点:`An experience of my own confirmed this.
[28:28.32]4 老人感到很欣慰。他说,五个孩子都有了各自的生活天地:`The five children have lives of their own.
[28:42.19]5 别人都帮不上你的忙。你说,你要靠自己去做:`I'll do it on my own.
[28:52.47]6 父亲唠叨得太多了。你说,你毕业以后就要自己住:`I'll live on my own after my graduation.
[29:05.54]7 干到一半,朋友说他不干了,要走。你问他,难道要把这一切都留给你一个人吗:`Do you mean I have to get all these done on my own?
[29:22.30]8 往年你都是同大家一起去度假。你说,你今年要独自去度假:`This year I'll go on vacation on my own.