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主题 : 美国习惯用语教程[连载]——与《美国之音中文网》保持同步更新
级别: 论坛版主
260  发表于: 2005-04-02   
下面是引用wbdx于2005-04-01 23:22发表的:

级别: 论坛版主
261  发表于: 2005-04-04   

今天我们要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语都是以hook这个字为主的。Hook就是一个钩子。一百年以前,电影和电视还没有成为美国人生活的一个重要部份。然而,那个时候,美国各地都有戏院,演出那些比较轻松的节目,像唱歌,跳舞和滑稽等。有的时候,这些戏院还会让一些业余的演员在晚上客串演出,让他们有机会试试自己的才能。可惜的是,这些非专业的艺术家大多数水平都很低。当观众感到很不满意的时候,他们就会喝倒彩,甚至往抬上扔鸡蛋和西红柿。在这种情况下,舞台经理就会用一个长长的钩子伸到台上急忙把那个观众不喜欢的演员拉下台。这就是我们今天要讲的第一个习惯用语。To give someone the hook. 从字面上来解释,to give someone the hook就是把钩子给某个人。然而在用做俗语的时候它的意思就是:很突然地解雇某人。下面是一个公司的雇员在说办公室里的秘书。

例句-1: Our new secretary didn't last long. She always came to work late and left early, and she didn't learn to use the word processor. So after six weeks the boss had to give her the hook.





例句2: Ron has been an excellent researcher since he joined this institute ten years ago. He has published a number of papers that are considered very valuable. I'm not going to give him the hook just because he made a minor mistake.



下面我们要给大家讲的一个习惯用语就是:By hook or by crook. By hook or by crook就是:想方设法达到目的,或去得到你想得到的东西。有的时候可以解释为利用不公平或不合法的手段来达到目的。下面是一个例子。

例句3: I sure feel guilty about not getting home the last few years to spend Christmas with mother and dad. But this year I'll get home by hook or by crook, no matter what!




例句4: Everyone likes to be promoted, that's perfectly understandable. But David is trying to get that promotion by hook or by crook; he even spread rumors smearing the other candidates. This is awful!

级别: 论坛版主
262  发表于: 2005-05-02   

今天我们要讲的是,要是你和朋友一起出去吃饭,到最后由谁来付账的问题。在美国,要是一个朋友约你一起出去吃午饭,那当然由他付钱。然而,要是你和三四个朋友一起去饭馆吃饭,事先也没有说好谁请客,那末,当服务员把帐单放在桌上的时候应该怎么办呢?如果你们当中有一个人很慷慨的话,那么他可能会主动表示他愿意请客。在这种情况下,他可以说:Let me pick up the tab. To pick up就是把什么东西拿起来的意思。Tab在口语里就是指帐单。因此,let me pick up the tab, 就是我来付账的意思。我们来举一个例子,这是一个人跟两个朋友在饭馆吃饭,到付账的时候,他对他的两个朋友说:

例句-1: Listen, please don't argue with me. Let me pick up the tab this time. You two treated me many times before when I was looking for a job. Now I'm making good money, so it should be my turn.



但是,to pick up the tab只是一种说法,还有其他表达方式。比如,你也可以说:say, let me foot the bill for this. 这是说:嗨,这次我来付吧。大家可能知道foot就是:一只脚。但是,to foot the bill跟脚没有任何关系,而且这儿的foot是用做动词。To foot the bill就是付账。要是你愿意请你的朋友吃饭,你还可以说::It's my treat. 这是说:我请客。To treat就含有招待,款待的意思。我们上面讲的都是很慷慨大方,愿意请客的朋友。但是,每个人可能都碰到过一些非常小气的人。下面是一个人在跟他的哥哥讲话。

例句2: I go out with Jack quite often, but he will never foot the bill for anything we spend. Even girls nowadays offer to treat me from time to time.


我们在这句话里用的是to foot the bill,你也可以用其他两种说法来替代。另外有一点要指出的,以前在美国,要是男的和女的一起出去吃饭,那总是由男的来付账。但是现在随着社会和经济的不断变化,男女一起出去吃饭由女的来付账也是可以接受的了。这当然跟妇女的社会和经济地位提高有关。


美国人一起出去吃饭的时候,也往往采用分摊的做法。许多人,包括不少外国人在内,都认为这种做法很好。也就是说,大家一起到饭馆去,但是各自付自己的钱。这原来在英文里叫做:Dutch treat. Dutch treat翻到中文就是:荷兰式的请客,但是实际上并没有人请客。因为Dutch treat就是各自付自己的钱。当然,事先说好由谁请客也是经常的事。现在,人们已经把Dutch treat简化成:Go Dutch. 我们来举一个例子。这是一个人在向他的朋友建议一起去试试一个新的餐馆。

例句3: How about trying that new French restaurant on Columbus Drive tonight? I heard it's expensive so let's go Dutch, Okay?





例句4: Why don't we go Dutch in the future. I believe we'll be able to get together more this way as nobody would worry about who's going to pick up the tab.

级别: 论坛版主
263  发表于: 2005-05-02   

美国有两个主要的政党,共和党和民主党。一般来说,共和党代表保守派,而民主党代表自由派。自由派和保守派在英文里就是:liberals和conservatives. Liberals就是自由派人士,conservatives就是保守派人士。和世界上其他国家的党派一样,他们互相指责,给对方加上一些不太光彩的外号。自由派喜欢对当前的社会,经济和政治制度进行改革。美国的自由派已经有很长的历史了。可是,保守派长期来一直想方设法在liberal这个名字前面加上一些反面的形容词,把它变成一个不是很受人尊敬的名字。下面就是一个例子:Tax-and-spend liberal. Tax就是税收,spend就是开支。保守派把他们叫做tax-and-spend liberal意思是说,自由派当选执政后,他们的政策就是增加对那些辛勤工作的公民的税收,然后把这些钱去救济游手好闲的人,使政府更能够控制人们的生活。下面是一个共和党候选人在说话。

例句-1: My friends, don't be fooled by the promises of these tax-and-spend liberals. All they'll do is raise taxes on people like you, who are the backbone of this country, and then waste your money on programs that will bankrupt America.




例句2: The Republicans call Democrats tax-and-spend liberals. The Democrats respond that all the GOP is interested in is reducing taxes for wealthy people and cutting spending for social programs that help the poor.


这个例句里把共和党称为GOP。这是一个缩略语。全称是:The Grand Old Party. 意思是:美国的老大党,也是共和党的别名。


在保守派的眼里,还有另一种自由派。他们把这种自由派叫做:Knee-jerk liberal. Knee就是膝盖,Jerk就是突然震动一下。你要是到医生那里去,他在检查你的反应能力是否正常的时候会用一个橡皮的锤子轻轻地敲打你的膝盖,要是你的反应正常的话,你的膝盖就会自动地跳动。所以,这是你不能控制的,自动的反应。那末,knee-jerk liberal就是指一个人接受其他自由派的主张,不管这个主张是否合理。下面是一个例子。

例句3: My brother-in-law Tom hasn't had an idea of his own in twenty years. He's a real knee-jerk liberal who votes for anything his liberal friends support, no matter how crazy it is.



大家都知道,美国有两个主要的政党 -- 民主党和共和党。一般来说,每个党的党员都遵循和支持自己所属党的方针和政策,但是两个党内都有温和派。也就是说,在某些问题上,有些党员会同意另一个党的观点,甚至投票支持对立派的提案。下面是一个议员原来是坚定的民主党,可是现在改变了他的态度。他说:

例句4: In the past, my friends called me a knee-jerk liberal. Now I've found it harder to agree with the policies of any one party. Sometimes I like the Democrats ideas, but other times I tend to side with the Republicans.

级别: 论坛版主
264  发表于: 2005-05-02   


在美国,打击对立派的方法之一就是把他们说成只能迎合那些既无知又顽固的选民。有一个美国人常用的词就包含这个意思:Redneck. Redneck是一个字,但是实际上是由两个字red和neck组成的。按字面来解释,redneck就是:红脖子。美国南部贫穷的农民,因为每天在太阳下劳动,所以他们的脖子老是红红的。这些南部农民大多数是白人。一般都比较粗暴,思想顽固,没有知识,而且种族观念很深,不喜欢黑人。美国的保守派很愿意争取他们。下面这个例句是一个地方的电台评论员在说话。

例句-1: Usually rednecks in this State vote for the conservative candidate. But this year it's hard to predict because they're getting hurt by the slowdown in the economy.




例句2: I met Bill's uncle that day at the party. He seems to be a typical redneck. He talked so loud and insulted the blacks all the time. I'm very surprised, he has nothing in common with Bill.



四十年前,美国有一个共和党的参议员名字叫麦卡锡。英文就是:McCarthy. 这里要注意一下这个名字的拼音。大家都知道,人名地名的第一个字母要大写。但是,McCarthy这个名字有些不同。除了第一个字母M 要大写外,第三个字母C也要大写。美国有一些名字都是如此,但是不多。McCarthy在五十年代初在没有经过证实的情况下,骇人听闻地指责政府官员秘密为国际共产主义服务,从而迫害了不少人。1954年年底,参议院通过决议,正式谴责他的不当行为,从此结束了麦卡锡时代。虽然,麦卡锡时代已经过去,但是他的名字却变成美国人日常语言中含有贬意的用词。McCarthyite. McCarthyite就是在McCarthy这个名字后面加上ite,成为麦卡锡份子。现在,McCarthyite是指那些习惯于对反对自己的人进行毫无根据的,不公平的指责的人。下面是一个教政治学的教授在说话。

例句3: You may see a McCarthyite in either party. Often he makes false charges against the other side simply to hide the fact that he has such a weak record of his own to sell the voters.




例句4: My opponents accuse me of stealing public funds and accepting bribes when I was a cabinet member. None of these is true. They behave like true McCarthyites and the American people will not tolerate that.

级别: 论坛版主
265  发表于: 2005-05-02   

在这次节目里,我们要给大家讲两个以dry这个字为主的习惯用语。Dry就是:干,也就是干和湿的干。我们首先要讲的一个习惯用语是:Dry run. Dry是干,run就是跑。Dry run按字面来解释,那就是:干跑,而在我们生活中根本就没有干跑这一说。实际上,这里的run并不是跑的意思,而是run through。也就是:过一遍,或者是做一遍。换句话说,dry run就是在做一件事或执行一项计划前进行的演习。

比如说,在正式上演一个剧本以前,导演和演员要进行多次排练。这个常用语是第二次世界大战期间开始出现的。士兵在练习打靶的时候枪里是没有子弹的。有的人就把这叫做dry run。逐渐地,dry run这个说法就传开了,后来到二次大战以后就成了生活中的日常用语。


例句-1: We're certainly glad we did a dry run on our new marketing plan for California before we sent our salesmen out. We found so many things wrong that we're designing the whole thing over.




例句2: The Chairman is to arrive in two hours and we still have a lot to do. Please hurry up and complete your work before 10 o'clock. We need to save at least half an hour for another dry run.


美国人的头衔有的时候也很令人迷惑。Chairman这个字可以用在各种不同的场合。某个委员会的主席可以叫做chairman,但是在上面这个例句里,chairman指的是:chairman of the board,就是董事长。这么地位高的负责人要去检查工作,那经理当然会感到紧张。


我们再来讲一个以dry这个字为主的习惯用语。Cut and dried. Cut就是切东西的切。大家都知道,英文里有许多字既可做动词,也可以做名词或形容词。Dry就是一个例子。Dry run里的dry是一个形容词,但是cut and dried里的dried 是从动词to dry变形而来,也就是动词to dry的过去式,意思是已经干了。Cut and dried这个习惯用语的含义实际上跟cut 和 dry都没有什么关系。Cut and dried的意思是:老一套,或者是人们所预料的,或者是根据以往的老做法来行事。任何事情要是被说成cut and dried,那就很可能是没有什么吸引人的地方,因为缺乏新鲜内容。


例句3: It was a waste of time to go to my party's state convention this year. It was all cut and dried - the same old speakers saying the same things they said last year.




例句4: Dad, I've no doubt that you'll make a fine speech tomorrow. What really concerns me is my father-in-law. He tends to repeat what he said in the past. That'll sound all cut and dried and possibly spoil the atmosphere of the wedding.

级别: 论坛版主
266  发表于: 2005-05-08   

high and dry; dry up

我们再来给大家介绍两个以dry这个字为主的习惯用语。第一个是:High and dry. High就是高,dry 就是干。要是一个人处于high and dry的局面,那他就是面临难以解决的困难,又没有任何人给予帮助。High and dry这个说法是怎么来的也不难想像。你要是乘船出游,而你的船在浅水的沙洲上搁浅了。等到潮水退了,你的船就在那高出水面的沙滩上没法动,周围既没有一点水,也没有任何人。这就是high and dry。下面是一个例子。这是一个人在告诉他的朋友他去参加一个聚会的情况。

例句-1: Everybody had fun at Sally's party. But when it came time to clean up the mess, all the guests left in a hurry and Sally was left high and dry, to do all the work by herself.



一般来说,美国人的时间概念是比较强的。跟朋友约会,到约定的时间就应该到指定的地点。要是去参加一个聚会,晚到五分钟,十分钟那倒还可以,因为有时候车辆拥挤,难以控制。这是可以理解的。但是,要是太晚了就不好了。另外要注意的一点是,参加一个聚会最好不要早到,因为举办一个聚会有许多准备工作要做,最后一分钟往往是最紧张的时刻,所以你要是早到,对主人来说是很不方便的。下面我们再来举一个high and dry的例子。这是一个人在埋怨他的朋友。

例句2: John, Jack and Mary all urged me to give a big party to celebrate my promotion. They promised to help out with the preparation. But so far they've done nothing saying they are too busy. It seems that I've been left high and dry and have to do all the work by myself.



我们在这次节目里要讲的第二个习惯用语是:Dry up. Dry up这个说法有几种不同的用法。其中之一是叫某人闭嘴,不要再说了。当然,这是不太礼貌的说法。我们来举一个例子。

例句3: Oh, why don't you dry up. I'm sick and tired of hearing you complain all the time! If you don't like the job, why don't you go out and look for another one. It's not that you don't have a choice.

这人说:喂,你得了,别说了,行吗? 你没完没了地抱怨,我都听的烦死了。要是你不喜欢这个工作,你干吗不出去再另外找一个工作。你又不是没有选择的余地。



我们刚才说了,dry up这个常用语用在不同场合有不同的含义。上面的解释是叫某人不要再说了。另外一个解释是,非常快的消失,就像一杯水倒在很热的沙滩上。这当然是很形像的比喻。其实,dry up在生活其他方面也都适用。下面就是一个例子。

例句4: After he lost the election Senator Blank had two months left in his term. But he saw his political power dry up over night as people know very well that he'll be out of the picture soon.

级别: 论坛版主
267  发表于: 2005-05-08   

236 high and dry; dry up
235 dry run; cut and dried
234 Redneck; McCarthyite
233 tax-and-spend liberals; knee-jerk liberals
232 pick up the tab; go dutch
231 give sb. the hook; by hook or by crook
230 right on the mark; right up one's alley
229 sacred cow; dark horse  
228 break the news; break the ice
227 give one a break; break even
226 slow burn; slow as molasses
225 like greased lightning; like a bat out of hell
224 butterfingers; butterball
223 bread and butter; butter up sb.
222 know which side one's bread is buttered on...
221 as light as a feather; a feather in one's cap
220 birds of a feather; feather one's nest
219 touch base; do lunch
218 get caught with one's hand in the cookie jar...
217 ups and downs; down and out
216 open and aboveboard; on the up and up
215 on the level; kosher
214 in short order; get the short end of the stick
213 short and sweet; the long and short of it
212 over the long haul; long shot
211 stonewall; off the wall
210 climb the wall; drive sb. up the wall
209 wall-to-wall; wallflower
208 put your money where your mouth is...
207 motor mouth; foot in mouth disease
206 take a walk; walk on eggshells
205 walk on air; walk the floor
204 bad-mouth; shoot sb.mouth off
203 close the books; cook the books
202 one for the book; know sb. like a book
201 Sunday best; Sunday driver
200 honeymoon; moonlight
199 cut out for/cut out to be; cut-up
198 cut a deal; cut corners
197 the works; in the works
196 workaholic; grunt work
195 on thin ice; thin-skinned
194 fat cat; fat chance
193 fat farm; chew fat
192 hat in hand; wear two hats...
191 pass the hat; take one's hat off
190 at the drop of a hat...
189 stand tall; stand-out
188 stand sb. up; a stand-in
187 make tracks; wrong side of the tracks
186 bean counters; spill the beans
185 full of beans; not worth a hill of beans
184 give sb. a piece of mind; mind-boggling
183 under the gun; gunshy
182 give sb. a piece of mind; mind-boggling
181 one track mind; track record
180 brain drain; brain trust
179 beat one's brains out; brainwash  
178 jump the gun; stick to the guns
177 hit the ceiling; blow one's top
176 make one's blood boil; make one's blood run cold
175 in one's blood; fresh blood
174 all in the same bout; miss the boat
173 keep one's cool; be cool as a cucumber
172 for crying out loud; cool it
171 to whistle a different tune; pipe dream
170 far cry; crying towel
169 nothing special; so-so
168 whistle in the dark; blow the whistle
级别: 论坛版主
268  发表于: 2005-05-08   

167 out the window; out of this world
166 out of the woods; out of the picture
165 over a barrel; over one's dead body
164 over one's head; over the hump
163 cold shoulder; hot air
162 get it in the neck; stick out one's neck
161 up to one's neck; break one's neck
160 shape up or ship out; rock the boat
159 lick; lickety-split
158 have a feeling in one's bones; have a bone to pick
157 out of one's skull; skull session
156 loose lips; at loose ends
155 tight-lipped; tight with someone
154 run a tight ship; sit tight
153 knock off
152 street smart; two-way street
151 easy street; out on the street
150 kiss sb. or sth. goodbye; kiss of death
149 everything from soup to nuts...
148 under the thumb; stick out like a sore thumb
147 green thumb; all thumbs
146 wheeler-dealer; fifth wheel
145 set of wheels; free-wheeler
144 crash the gate; crash the party; crash course
143 one of a kind; top-notch
142 skin sb. alive; skin game
141 jump right out of one's skin; all skin and bones
140 spin one's wheel; re-invent the wheel
139 at the wheel; hell on wheels
138 no skin off my nose; save one's skin
137 skin deep; that really gets under my skin
136 now the ball is in your court...
135 play ball; on the ball
134 in the pink; fit as a fiddle
133 backseat driver; back-up system
132 backslider; backslapper
131 couch potato; mall rats
130 dinks; sandwich generation
129 not all there; have a screw loose  
128 under the weather; down with a bug
127 not all there; have a screw loose
126 penny-pincher; cheapskate
125 trailblazer; cutting edge
124 a straw in the wind; grasp at straws
123 belly laugh; knee-slapper
122 the last straw; sow one's wild oats
121 make hay; go haywire
120 spring chicken; goose bumps
119 chicken out; chicken feed
118 sitting duck; dead duck
117 where-is-the-beef; turkey farm
116 break the ice; iceberg
115 snowball;snow job
114 beefy; beef up
113 turkey; old turkey
112 smell fishy;fish for compliments
111 shrimp; crab
110 rub elbows; elbow room
109 call up; call it a day
108 call the shots; call one's bluff
107 munch; hors d'oeuvres
106 grab a bite; grubstake
105 brainstorm; egghead
104 ghost writer; spooky
103 give up the ghost; ghost town
102 brainchild; pick one's brain
101 get one's back up; scratch one's back
100 nag; get off one's back
99 turn one's back on sb. get on one's back
98 put on the back burner; drag one's feet
97 smart (as intelligence; fashionable)
96 basket case; all washed up
95 on a cloud; under a cloud
94 cloudy; in the clouds
93 cry in one's beer; cry baby
92 crocodile tears; sob story
91 pass throw a curve; throw for a loop
90 let sleeping dogs lie; every dog has his day
89 put on the dog; go to the dogs
88 buddy; sidekick
87 brain or shine; rainy day
86 let the cat out of the bag...
85 throw a wet blanket on sth...
84 throw to the wolves...
83 hick; city slicker
82 give sb. a piece of one's mind...
81 on the fence; maverick
80 lame duck; golden parachute
79 sleaze; gridlock  
78 jump horses in the middle of the stream...
77 swing voter; come out swinging
76 blame game; negative campaigning
75 favorite son; sound bite
74 throw one's hat in the ring; go on the stump
73 wimp; turkey
72 nerd; jock; girl jock
71 eat one's hat; eat one's heart out
70 hang on to your hat; keep sth.under your hat
69 at the drop of a hat; talk through one's hat
68 kick up one's heels; kick off
67 get a kick out of; kick the bucket
66 baloney; kickback
65 flea market; clam up
64 keep one's eye on the ball; eye-opener
63 keep one's eyes peeled...
62 eyes pop out; not even bat an eye
61 feast your eyes on; hit between the eyes
60 fish or cut bait; cold fish
59 a fish out of water; teach a fish how to swim
58 shoot the breeze; through the grapevine
57 going bananas; lemon and...
56 peaches and cream; sour grapes
55 oddball; odds and ends
54 bomb; drop a bombshell
53 loose cannon; blockbuster
52 no holds barred; let one's hair down
51 pull no punches; straight from the horse's mouth
50 be swept off one's feet...
49 stand on one's own two feet...
48 get a foot in the door; dead on one's feet
47 bug someone; loose up
46 ants in your pants...
45 cold feet; jump in and get one's feet wet
44 get off on the wrong foot...
43 put one's best foot forward...
42 go for broke; go overboard
41 go all out; go through hell or...
40 my heart stood still; hear-to-heart talk
39 have a heart; cross my heart
38 pain in the neck; neck and neck
37 break one's neck; stick one's neck out
36 hot seat; hot and bothered
35 monkey business; make monkey out of sb.
34 put all his eggs in the basket; eat crow
33 as American as apple pie; hot potato
32 sing the blues; like a bolt out of the blue
31 green thumb; green light
30 stick to one's gun; shoot the breeze
29 rain check; it never rains...  
28 black sheep; white lie
27 red letter day; red tape
26 horse laugh; the last laugh
25 just for laughs; laugh up one's sleeve
24 top gun; bottom line
23 take candy from a baby; a piece of cake
22 twist one's arm; charge someone an arm and a leg
21 shake a leg; pull one's leg
20 up in arms; at arm's length
19 bail out; nose dive
18 stuffed shirt; give you the shirt off his back
17 keep one's shirt on; lose one's shirt
16 right on the beam; fly by the seat of one's pants
15 fly off the handle; bark up the wrong tree
14 sweeten the pot...
13 keep an ear to the ground; up to one's ears
12 follow your nose; pay through the nose
11 shoe is on the other foot; work hand in glove
10 poker face; close to your vest
09 pull your socks up; knock one's socks off
08 be led by the nose; under your nose
07 blow up; blow out
06 hold water; water off a duck's back...
05 in hot water; throw cold water on sth.
04 doggy bag; sunny side up
03 it goes in one ear and out the other
02 greasy spoon; potluck
01 give one a hand; foot the bill...
级别: 论坛版主
269  发表于: 2005-05-22   
237 in the doghouse; between a rock and a hard place


每个人在生活中都不断地需要做出选择和决定。在一生中也都会有些不顺当的时刻。在这次节目里,我们要给大家讲的两个习惯用语就是指面临困难。在日常生活中,有的时候我们会觉得自己好像站在十字路口,不知道往哪儿走才好。要是我们做出错误的决定,那我们就会处于不利的境地。这就是我们要讲的第一个习惯用语。In the doghouse. Doghouse是一个字,可是实际上是两个字组成的,一个是dog,就是狗。另一个是house,意思是房子。Doghouse这个字的原意就是:狗睡觉的房子,也就是狗窝。In the doghouse作为俗语,它的意思就是你使某人很生气,以致你不得不在屋子外面跟自己家里的狗睡在一起,意思就是倒了霉。下面是一个学生在说他自己的经历。

例句-1: I've been in the doghouse with my mom and dad ever since they saw my grades from last semester. I admit that I failed math and barely passed English, but these are tough courses!




例句2: My wife and I each has a son from our first marriages. Somehow, her son always likes to disturb my son when he's doing his homework. The other day I tried to discipline him and that got me in the doghouse with my wife.



下面我们再来给大家讲一个表示处境困难的习惯用语。Between a rock and a hard place. Between就是在两者之间,rock是石头,hard就是硬的,place是指地方。要是一条船遇到风浪,她的一边是一块大岩石,另一边是峭壁。这条船想要从这两者之间很窄的水面安全地脱险,这又有多么不容易。在这种情况下,你必须做出正确的决定,但是有的时候又似乎没有什么好办法。就像下面这个饭店的老板一样。

例句3: We've lost so much that we're between a rock and a hard place. I can't decide whether to try to borrow money and pay higher interest than we can afford or else sell out and probably lose half of our investment.




例句4: Lisa finds herself between a rock and a hard place. If she decides to stay with her husband, she'll be beaten from time to time or even killed one day. If she is determined to divorce him, he probably will kill her before she hires a lawyer.

