一. 新概念2册96篇课文中的课文生词加总起来只有1000个左右,而大学英语四级考试对考生的单词量要求在4000个左右。我们的直觉告诉我们新概念2册似乎很难满足四级的要求,但如果通过对课文中的单词进行一定的激情联想的话,我们会惊奇地发现一个单词可以串出一长串与其相关的单词。举一个简单的例子:在第一篇课文(A private conversation)中有这么一个单词:seat (座位),我们就从这个“座位”出发展开联想。大家第一反应想到的肯定是哪些东西可以当座位,换句话说就是哪些东西可以坐,这么一来我们就能引出这样一串单词: chair(椅子), armchair(扶手椅), bench(长凳), stool(凳子), sofa(沙发)。由此可见,一个单词轻而易举就能引申5,6个其他单词。如此这般,轻松掌握4000个单词绝非一件难事。
二. 新概念2册作者在这册教材中为学习者整理出了一套相当系统的满足四级考试要求的词组搭配,使学习者通过循序渐进的学习能够做到很好的掌握。我们一起来看一个例子:动词与介词的搭配(第22篇课文后面的关键句型)
a. OF: accuse, approve, assure, beware, boast(or about), complain(or about), consist, convince(or about), cure, despair, dream(or about), expect(or from), hear(or from), be/get rid, smell, suspect, think(or about), tire(d), warn(or against).
b. FROM: borrow, defend(or against), demand(or of), differ, dismiss, draw, emerge, escape, excuse(or for), hinder, prevent, prohibit, protect(or against) receive, separate, suffer.
c. IN: believe, delight, employ(ed), encourage, engage(d), experience(d), fail, help(or with), include, indulge, instruct, interest(ed), invest, involve(d), persist, share.
d. ON: act, base(d), call, comment, concentrate, congratulate, consult(or about), count, decide, depend, economize, embark, experiment, insist, lean(or against), live, operate, perform(or in), pride(oneself), rely, vote(on a motion; for someone), write(or about)
三. 众所周知,大学四级考试中的多项选择题部分已经逐步向大学英语六级考试靠拢了,这一点主要体现在多项选择题部分考察考生英语语法能力的题目数量逐年在下降,与之相对的,考察考生的词汇量以及词汇之间的辨析的题目数量则逐年在上升。新概念2册课文后面的难点部分结合具体的句子帮助学习者辨析一些比较容易搞混淆的单词,词组及短语,这正好迎合了现在四级考试中多项选择题的出题新方向。我们还是来看一个书上的例子:动词词组的辨析(第27篇课文后的难点部分)
1. …… the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.
2. …… they put out the fire and crept into their tent.
3. I put on my coat and left the house.
4. You needn’t go back to London tonight. We can put you up for the night. (We can provide you with a bed.)
5. The teacher sent the boy to the headmaster. He could not put up with him any longer. (He could not stand him.)
6. Take out your notebooks. Put down all the sentences that are on the blackboard. (Write down all the sentences……)
7. We cannot have the meeting tonight. We shall have to put it off until tomorrow. (We shall have to postpone it.)
8. Close your books and put them away.